Chap.16 Revelations of the future.

(You may have noticed that the previous two chapters were a bit different and that today's came out later than usual. I just didn't have time because I went to the doctor.)

"I can't believe you managed to put all this together in so few days," Tony told them. "This will give you a lot of useful information."

Harry and Hermione exchanged happy glances and Professor McGonagall straightened her posture a bit to show her pride. Tony snapped his fingers and they all turned into light particles that flew towards Tony's glabella and disappeared.

"Who wants to go first?" Tony asked.

-Me! Hermione exclaimed.

Harry was fine with her friend being hers first as without her she wouldn't have been able to participate and Minerva didn't mind waiting and being her last. As the only adult present, she had to demonstrate due patience.

"Okay," Tony agreed. "Then I'll start now." If at any time the others can't hear what I say, don't worry. It's because it's about something more personal.

They all nodded in understanding.

"I'll start with what puzzled you earlier, Hermione. What Ron Weasley did to you," Tony pointed out, "he married you. Oh yeah. Don't put on that expression of horror, you fell for her tricks and convinced yourself that it was love. No matter how hard you study and how outstanding your grades are, you will end up a housewife. A new Mrs. Weasley." She paused briefly for the girl to digest the information. "This will happen in a few years and I can see from your expression that you're not happy about all your hard work going down the drain. I'm telling you, you will grow up and you WILL have the ability to get someone infinitely better. As for how to avoid that future you don't want, I don't think I need to say anything more.

Minerva and Harry could see the changes in Hermione's expression and couldn't hear what she was telling Tony, but they could tell it must be something dark and tragic.

—Now —Tony's voice was heard by all— In a few years, the school will go through a dark period and one of your friends will die. More specifically, I mean the Weasley brothers. George only lost an ear, but Fred was killed by a Death Eater blast. I'd recommend some magical protection gadget or you can think of something else.

As Harry and Hermione were absorbing the information, Minerva's eyes widened at the underlying information in Tony's statement.

"Harry, this is of particular interest to you because it's about your parents," Tony commented. "But it affects everyone else here as well, so he's sorry, but I won't keep it private."

Harry nodded in understanding and paid attention to the information from his parents.

"I guess you haven't met Sirius Black yet." Seeing the boy's puzzled look, Tony shifted his gaze from him to someone else. "Minerva will definitely meet the man." This person is locked up in Azkaban and is the one charged with the crime of having betrayed your parents and as a consequence, Voldemort killed them.

-What?! Harry yelled.

"Well, it turns out Sirius, he didn't." He is innocent.

-What?! This time it was Minerva who shouted.

"Everyone was fooled and Sirius didn't even get a trial." The real culprit is a Death Eater who is currently inside the castle. Not only that, Harry sees him almost daily.

"Severus?" It can't be him...

"It's not," Tony brushed off suspicions. "It's about Peter Petrigrew." And before you say anything Minerva, no, he didn't die. He cut his finger on purpose to fake his death and he is still very much alive.

-Where is the? Harry asked with bloodshot eyes.

The culprit that Voldemort could kill his parents was at his fingertips!

How could he keep his cool?

"Minerva, now only you can hear me," Tony continued, ignoring the upset boy. "I am aware that Harry is impulsive and could do something stupid driven by his emotions." Peter is an Animagus, more specifically, an Animagus who takes the form of a rat. And his current identity is Scabbers, Ron Weasley's pet rat. You can verify it with the corresponding spell.

Minerva's eyes widened at the revelation.

A Death Eater has been living in the student dormitories and no one has known about it until now?!

Harry was very upset that he had been ignored and Hermione was trying to placate him. She had already told him that she couldn't ask, there was no point in insisting.

"I recommend that you act immediately when we finish the meeting and leave Harry in a safe place and… locked up," Tony advised. "If Peter sees and hears what happened to Harry without him knowing, I think you can understand what will happen." And he tries to catch him alive and take him to Dumbledore, it could be used to free innocent Sirius and Harry could be with his godfather.

"Now," his voice became audible to everyone again, "Hermione, you should try looking in Ginny Weasley's trunk or desk." She currently has an extremely dangerous book that is slowly stealing control of her body and absorbing her life force, manipulating and killing her simultaneously and she doesn't realize it yet. Or better yet, she calls the headmaster to take care of the diary right away, because it's very dark magic. Also tell him that he will be able to find the same singularity in the Ravenclaw crown." Then Tony added. "Go now.

Hermione reacted and turned to run to warn the headmaster. The moment she knew it was dark magic, she immediately ruled out trying to deal with it on her own.

"Harry, there's one thing you're not entirely aware of, and that is that you speak Parseltongue."

"Parseltongue?" Harry was momentarily distracted by the mention of an ability he didn't know about.

"Do you remember what happened with your cousin at the zoo?" Yes, the conversation with the snake. That's parseltongue, the ability to communicate with snakes. You can try to practice it in your free time.

"Lastly, and it just so happens that it's related to snakes." Tony turned to Minerva. "The same thing will happen again fifty years ago." The Chamber of Secrets will open and the basilisk inside will attack again. BUT, since you already have something to do… I can take care of the basilisk and eliminate the threat, you just have to do something for me.

"Do you want more food?"

-No, I do not mean that. You've already given me so much and finishing the basilica could leave us on even terms. What I wanted to tell you is that I'll call some… helpers of mine. They are the ones who will take care of the basilisk, but due to its peculiar appearance, it could scare the students of the school. So I'll wait for you to solve yours first and meanwhile, I'll gather them near the Forbidden Forest.

"The only thing you have to worry about is letting them in and clearing the first two floors of any students overnight. No one should get in your way. Have I been clear?

For a single moment, Tony wanted to say that the route needed to be clear to the second floor bathroom, but that was equivalent to saying where the chamber was and who knows what stupidity Dumbledore would do then.

He still had an experiment to run, and this world was ideal for his testing ground.