Chap.47 Gourmet Demon

The pain came in different waves.

First it was a constant itch all over his body, then it became a dull ache, and before Tony could readjust his mind, he felt as if his body was collapsing. His bones began to crackle like popcorn, his flesh burst, and his blood turned thick as jelly.

Tony wanted to scream, but it wasn't his voice that came out of his mouth.

"Can I go out to eat?"

His body began to change and the clothes he was wearing were destroyed in the process. His hair fell bald, his eyes turned completely white and his ears got a little smaller. His nose grew and his mouth widened. His arms gained muscle and grew disproportionately large reaching to the thighs, while strange markings emerged from his shoulders to his wrists. Her tongue lolled from her mouth and a strange blood-red symbol took shape on it.

"I'm hungry." Tears began to form in his eyes as he rubbed his stomach with a childish expression. His nose twitched as he smelled something in the air, he looked up and was surprised at everything around him — So much food! Is for me? can i eat it?

-Yes! —Tony's voice came out of his mouth. —All the food in this place is for you. Enjoy!


He reached out with big hands and began to throw all the food into his mouth.

-It's very good! I like it!

A few drops of drool trickled down while he was eating and when they hit the ground, they dissolved some holes, as if it were a powerful acid.

He started with fruits and vegetables, going through meat, fish and pasta dishes. Cheese, lemonade, desserts, the only condition in his food order was proximity.

After eating seven tons, he saw that there was still a lot of food left in the room and stopped eating momentarily while he stood up.

His jaw dropped to the height of his waist and his ribs bulged on both sides as a large purple eye formed in the darkness of his wide mouth. A strong suction gushed out and the food was sucked in. Minutes later, there was no food left in sight and his jaw returned to normal.

"I'm still hungry…" he rubbed his slightly bulging stomach as he looked around him in disappointment, "Isn't there more?"


At that moment, a crack echoed through the chamber, and several masked ninja entered.

"Seven, is that him?"

"His chakra signature is going through a strange process, but it's definitely him."

"Twelve was right, you actually tricked us with a modified clone and went a different route. It hasn't been easy tracking you down.

—You will not fool us with this disguise Tony, you better give up. Danzo-sama is getting impatient with you and gave us clear orders.

"Hey, can I eat them?" —He applauded excitedly— There are two women, they are my favorites! Hey can I?

Tony's consciousness was somewhat fuzzy after the whole process so far, so his mind only processed half of the words as he tried to stay awake.

Was he still hungry?

He said something to eat, do you want to eat some stones?

Anything to get this over with, he won't be able to take much longer.

"Sure, make it your dessert," Tony's voice responded.

-I promise!

Meanwhile, the ROOT were observing his strange behavior.

"Thirteen, I think she's in the middle of some kind of ritual." Maybe it's part of his Kekkei Genkai, should we wait for it to finish before capturing it? He seems to have a conflict of identity," Twenty pointed out.

"No, I think we should capture him now," Four opined. "If we wait and his strength increases, he could be troublesome and make it difficult to capture."

"I'm in favor of what Four said," Seven confirmed.

—Let's do it.

The sounds of banging, crashing, and exploding followed before eerie screams and cracks ensued. Soon only a few chewing sounds were heard and a loud belch caused a dead silence in the place.

…One hour later…

[Awakening completed successfully, the host will now enter a period of temporary weakness.]

—It's finally over —Tony thought after returning to his body— I don't know what the hell the gourmet demon ate, but the aftertaste is unpleasant, it has some kind of strange metallic taste —he complained while spitting— I wish I could move to drink something of water and wash away this bad taste, but I'm too tired. I'll just… sleep for a while.

Tony didn't wake up until three days later and could barely move properly. His whole body felt stiff and numb, he drank and ate something to get the bad taste out of his mouth and leaned his back against the wall. He tried to feel the changes in his body, but other than feeling less restricted for some reason, he found nothing out of place.

"System, show me my status.


Name: Gluttony, nicknamed Tony.

Current world: Naruto.

Ability: Devil Fruit Kuku Kuku no mi (no weakness) + En's Breath + Transform Tomatoes into Magma + Modified Technique of Turkey's Living Dolls.

Weapons: Twin Blades of the Dragon King Derous.

Traits: Gourmet Cells + Awakened Gourmet Demon: Gluttony Homunculus

Summoning Contract: Chimera Ants + Alcremie

Description: A chunin not to be trifled with, he is halfway to becoming a powerful jonin. He is loosely known for being the owner of the successful Kuku chain of stores and his strange gourmet ninja techniques. His body contains fully active gourmet cells and the gourmet demon has been successfully awakened, allowing additional traits to be gained. He possesses the mysterious ability to transform things into food.

Additional note: Temporarily weakened.

"Gluttony Homunculus?" System, is it from Fullmetal Alchemist?


What are the additional traits you mention?

[A great increase in strength (permanent), acidic saliva (at will), development of the sense of smell (at will), accelerated digestion (permanent), and the ability to activate his second form (temporarily).]

—Strength and smell, good. The saliva... I can try copying some of Terumi's techniques. tell me the last two

[Accelerated Digestion (Permanent): The host can digest any food instantly and use the nutrients to recover from most injuries. Includes limb regeneration, expulsion of poisons, etc.]

[Second Form Activation (Temporary): The host can temporarily open a dimension between reality and non-reality in its abdomen to suck anything in. Everything that enters will be "digested" and will not be able to come out once the dimension is closed. Warning: Certain space moves can evade this move.]

"Can I regenerate limbs?!" Tony yelled in surprise.

[Limb regeneration is a slow process that demands a large amount of nutrients the stronger the host's body is. A missing arm can take a year to grow back under normal conditions.]

"I guess regenerating arms like Piccolo would be a bit too much of a stretch," he nodded in understanding.

Being able to regenerate lost limbs was already pretty good.

"Well, what can I do for the next month?"