Chap.48 Exhausted patience

Tony had a really boring month. Every few days he would gather the necessary amount of chakra to summon an Alcremie and this would update him on what was happening in the village. He didn't understand anything he was saying, so he had to engage in mime games to communicate.

The rest of the time he spent sleeping, eating and thinking about what to do for the three years before Naruto returned. Leaving training aside, he would like to go visit the other villages and open businesses to increase his portfolio and expand his information network, but he was not confident of leaving the village for too long because of Danzo.

He even wondered if he should just kill him. But he didn't know where he had his base of operations and eyes on his arm would be a headache.

Maybe he should talk to Tsunade at length?

He knew of Danzo's collaboration with Orochimaru, some of his covert operations in the series with Hashirama's cells, how he undoubtedly had a hand in the decline of people in the Senju clan with Sarutobi's "ignorance" and the attack on the Uchiha clan.

And that wasn't even the first page!

But he had no evidence or documents to back up his words. And Tsunade could have a certain level of trust with him, but she wouldn't go to the point of acting against a high-ranking person from the village just because of his words no matter how much she wanted to. Besides, bringing up the subject of the Senju clan could be… touchy.

Was there any way to get the documents?

"Actually, maybe there is a way," he murmured as he realized a possibility that he had been there all this time, "I can't just go and try, it would be suicide." But I know someone who would gladly lend me a hand." She raised her trembling hand. "Although I can't contact him in this state, I'll have to wait a little longer.

Would removing Danzo from Konoha change the plot much?

To be honest, at this point he lost his patience. Danzo had been after him for too many years and he was sick of him blowing down his neck. He had secured Sasuke for three years and Naruto would have time to POWER UP him away from the village, the "world saviors" were sure. Let the frame armor do the rest.

What can alter his death?

Would it prevent Sasuke from reaching Karin's heart on the bridge?

Whoops, it looks like there's no Karin on his side anymore.

Danzo was giving her too many headaches to continue being patient with him. Until now he had been very cautious, but he only needed one cunning move to hurt her.

Decided therefore, before leaving the village on a world trip, Danzo must die. Also, it has to be a clean kill. Not the painless kind, but the kind that leaves no traces that can be used for, say, Edo Tensei.

As for who would take his place, he cares little. It couldn't be worse than now.

In fact, should he try to eliminate the two bloodsucking councilors as well? Tempting…

His thoughts did not stop and at the end of the month he left the place directly through the roof.

"Fresh air at last!" —Tony took a deep breath after freeing himself from that place.

There were drafts thanks to the ventilation holes, but that didn't stop the air from turning vicious after a month. Not to mention that he needed a shower urgently. He searched for the nearest river and after removing the smell from his skin, he sunbathed himself dry and got dressed to return to the village.

The gate guards greeted him as he entered and in less than two minutes, both Tsunade and Danzo knew of his return.

"He's finally back." Tsunade sighed in relief. He's been in the position of Hokage long enough to see the considerable income Tony's chain of stores brought to the village and they were pretty much in need of that money for a while— Tell him to come see me later.

…Meanwhile, in another dark place and underground…

"So he really has returned." Danzo frowned.

After not hearing from the ROOT he sent for so long he had his suspicions, but he didn't expect that sending five jonin elites would be insufficient for the task.

He seems like he needed to reconsider Tony's strength.

"Is there any news in the investigation?" —I ask the ninja who was half kneeling behind him.

"They're still at the same point," the masked man reported with an emotionless voice. "They insist that the seeds and everything else has been modified with an advanced technique that they don't know and it's impossible to use what we have to start a plantation." Not only that, the moment they try to manipulate a single strand of DNA, there is a complete genetic collapse. If it weren't for the discreet purchases made at the Kuku store, they wouldn't have anything to work with by now.

Danzo rhythmically tapped his fingers on the table as he thought silently. He picked up a scroll and wrote a few lines on it before tossing the document to the ninja behind him.

"Contact the noble in the Land of Rice who owes us a favor and have him request a quest from the village with the details of the scroll. Hurry up.


"I can't wait any longer, Tony. You added to my forces are a must if I want to become Hokage in the next decade. It's my turn! Danzo murmured.

He could already imagine the rapid growth of his forces thanks to Tony's food, enough elite squads to take control in less than one night. A power capable of silencing the voices of the clans and realizing the true potential of the village once and for all.