Chap.49 Forgiveness cookies

Knock! Knock!


Tony opened the door to the Hokage's office and poked his head in before stepping inside. He only had one day off before being called for some unknown reason.

"Did you call me, Tsunade?"


Tsunade almost let out an amused sigh. Most people call her Hokage or Tsunade-sama, but Tony never formally called her, even if she was her little sister's teacher. She got used to it without realizing it until now and she was too lazy to remind herself.

As long as he used etiquette at formal times, he was fine.

-How was your trip? Her," she asked as she looked up from her documents.

Her pupils constricted at the seeping bloody aura for a few moments before the sensation disappeared as abruptly as it came.

Tony looked at her blankly at the change in her expression.

Did he have a place on his head where the hair hadn't grown back?

But when he looked at her reflection in the river there seemed to be nothing out of place...

"Tony," Tsunade called, adopting a serious tone, "Have you killed anyone recently?"

"Not that I remember," she answered him honestly, not knowing how accurate his answer was. "Some insects tried to bite me, but I scared them away with no problem," he said, referring to Danzo's ROOTS. "Why?"

Tsunade frowned as she studied Tony's puzzled look.

His instincts and experience told her that he wasn't lying to her, or even hiding something.

Maybe she was just too tired from not being able to drink comfortably these days?

—It doesn't matter —he shook his head trying to dispel her doubts — I made you call for two things. The first lies in Tayuya, after a month of observation, we have come to the conclusion that it is no longer necessary to lock her up. Her attitude aside... unrefined, she has shared enough information and behaved within what you'd expect, much to the surprise of many, including me. So from now on, she will be included in your team for two reasons. The first is to have Anko watch over her for a while and the second at her request. Because otherwise, using her own words:

"If you pair me up with some idiots instead, I'll make them eunuchs!"

Yeah, that seems like Tayuya's style.

"Then my current team would be: Anko-sensei, Tayuya, myself, and Karin," she stated.

—Yes, not only that, since you picked her up, she will live with you two —Tsunade pointed out— Also, for the moment I have applied a measure against Orochimaru's Cursed Seal that I have developed in recent days. As long as she didn't take the initiative to break the blockade, we don't have to worry about some things for a while.

"Great, I'll go visit her as soon as we're done here." Then Tony thought of something, "I'll need a new tape for her, she can't keep using the sound one."

—Shizune will give you one later —Tsunade waved her hand at such a small matter— The second reason I called you is that we have received an urgent mission from a nobleman from the Land of Rice, in which he expressly requests your participation. .

"What mission grade is it?"

—Grade C mission.

Tony raised an eyebrow at that fact.

—I understand your confusion, but when you hear the details, you will understand why it has a low rating. The mission is to prepare a banquet for a party that he has decided to throw on the spur of the moment and has heard rumors of your food during the chunin exam. In other words, the only reason it's not a grade D mission is because of the urgency and status of the client. That, and the generous payment that is several times what we should get for a mission of his level.

"And you don't find it... suspicious?" A little?

"I've eaten your food Tony, I think it's something normal" Tsunade replied.

"Okay," Tony sighed, feeling a little proud inside.

Preparing a banquet is something simple for him.

"In that case, get ready while he informed Anko and I want you to leave by this afternoon at the latest."

-In agreement.

Tony left the office while Tsunade stared at the door, which she closed for a few moments.

Did his instincts really fail her?

"Call Anko at my office," he ordered to an ANBU next to him.

…Meanwhile, back with Tony…


-Bastard! Where did you go these days? —Tayuya demanded through the bars— That girl hasn't stopped coming every day, do you know how hard it is to listen to her talk non-stop?

"Oh come on, I had to leave the village temporarily and came back recently," Tony explained. "Have some cookies."

Tayuya looked at the cookies in Tony's hand and swallowed unconsciously. She had been eating the best food of her life for a month and Karin revealed that the person in front of her was the one who made it.

—Do you think that with these cookies I will forgive you?! She —she told him, looking into his eyes— I demand twice as much!

"Sure," Tony agreed so quickly that Tayuya doubted for a moment if his demands were too low.

Tony signaled to the ANBU next to the cell and they opened the door.

—Come on, we have a mission and we have to leave no later than this afternoon. While we get ready, I'll show you where you'll live from now on.

-And, where's that? Tayuya asked with a bad attitude.

Tony maybe, just maybe, would have been annoyed if it wasn't for the sound of happily chomping on cookies behind him. He had to resist the urge to turn and give her a wry smile.

-My home.

-What-?! —Tayuya choked for a moment when he heard the answer.