Chap.60 Activate, Pearl Jam!

They all ate simultaneously and… nothing happened.

Let's go! They have only taken the first bite, what did you expect?

It wasn't until they finished eating and gave their opinions (all praise) that Tony looked at them, waiting for him to start his plan.

"I feel kind of weird," Tsunade commented as he rubbed his stomach.

The rest of the girls were also a little uncomfortable and Tony's words caught his attention.

"I told you these dishes were special," Tony told him with a smile. "It should start any minute." Remember, don't be scared.

Pearl Jam, get to work!

Karin was the first to show changes. Her eyes began to shed tears like a waterfall, one would think that she would end up dehydrated in no time, but no matter how much she cried, there didn't seem to be anything wrong with her.

"Why is everything suddenly blurry?" Karin looked around her confused.

"Go to the bathroom and remove your contact lenses, you'll have a pleasant surprise," Tony told him.

Karin rushed to the bathroom and a few moments later, everyone heard her scream.

-How is this possible! —Karin returned excited—I can see well without wearing my glasses! In fact, I have never seen things in such detail before!

Before anyone could react, Shizune started scratching her neck and arms, feeling a huge itch all over her body. Layers of dead skin fell to the ground, her hair grew to her waist and her kimono tightened.

"My skin has become soft as a baby's! She —she exclaimed, pleasantly surprised—Wait, because my kimono is suddenly so tight…

To everyone's surprise, including Tony, Shizune's figure grew and along with her new long hair, she gained a greater feminine charm.

Her new figure of hers could almost compete with Tsunade in some areas!

Tony only prepared a dish to eliminate the effects of stress from following Tsunade for so many years, something like a beauty treatment. The last effect was unexpected!

Does that mean that the stress of following her teacher affected her bodily development?

—Tony… —Tsunade wanted to ask what was happening, but this time it was her turn.

She began to secrete from all the pores of her body an oily and black substance with a disgusting odor at the same time that she felt a strange heat running through her body. It took two minutes for the process to stop, and the ejected substance cracked and turned into dust that fell to the ground as ash.

Tsunade knew her body well and was speechless as she inspected herself. All the damage that her body irreparably accumulated against Hanzo, the salamander... just disappeared?

She was sure that if she canceled her technique right now, she would no longer look like an old woman without vitality and strength!

something ripe? Of course.

But nothing as bad as before!

Hell, she'd even swear her chest gained a few more sizes!

"Tayuya?" Anko? Tony called. "This will hurt a little, but trust me and bear it." You'll thank me later.

He barely finished speaking when the girls started screaming and holding their necks, more specifically, the cursed seal. Tony pushed the table away to avoid being hit and waited for her to finish. A few minutes later, they calmed down and felt her body fill with strength.

"Tony?" All the women present looked at him and it was clear they weren't going to let him get away with it if he didn't give a proper explanation.

"First of all. Anko and Tayuya congratulations! I just destroyed any negative effects of Orochimaru's seal. That means you can use it without fear and you don't have to worry about outside interference, like, say, remote control or torture.

Anko and Tayuya's two dishes were indeed his main focus when making this dinner. The cursed seal on both is too risky a factor in his eyes and containing it was not enough in his opinion, especially knowing that there was a piece of Orochimaru's soul deep within the seal, used as a wild card to be reborn in case of death.

So he used the power of Pearl Jam to remove the "illness" from the negative effects of the seal and for that, that fragment of Orochimaru's soul was broken down and used as "nutrients". The excess was integrated into their bodies, resulting in increased strength and potential.

He gave a summary of the rest of the dishes. Karin could not only see well, but her brain was developed to increase her learning level and increased her natural recovery factor. Even someone from the Uzumaki clan can't compare to her level.

She explained Shizune's anti-stress dish and Tsunade's "detox" dish, the effect of which also exceeded her expectations.

Wasn't that releasing the impurities from the body like in the legends?

Why did she suddenly think of Tsunade embarking on the path of immortal cultivation?

"How long have you been thinking about this?" Tsunade asked, still in shock from the results of the dinner.

—I started investigating the cursed seal when I learned about Anko-sensei's past, and it became a priority after Tayuya's arrival —Tony told them. It wasn't the whole truth, but I wasn't lying either— For Karin, it was after she became my little sister. As for Shizune and you, I improvised it at a time like she saw —he looked into her eyes— So… happy?

"You improvised…" Tsunade was speechless.

Even knowing the effects of Tony's food beforehand and eating at his house from time to time, it never crossed his mind to use food to remove the scars from one of the worst and most distressing fights of his life. .

"You should have warned us, Tony-kun." Despite Shizune's words of complaint, her happy expression betrayed that she was not at all dissatisfied with what had happened. Although she might regret it when she finally understood the shoulder pain that her teacher always complains about...

Karin hugged Tony while he cried again, but this time with joy. She was so glad to have become her little sister of hers, she always tried to take care of her the best she could. She swore to herself to become a great expert in medical jutsu, so she could always take care of her amazing older brother.

Anko didn't say anything, but the fact that she was no longer in the shadow of her master, made her feel as if a mountain had been lifted from above her and she could suddenly look up at the blue sky above her head. her. She never noticed Tony researching the subject so tactfully and for so long, achieving results even without being a mad scientist like Orochimaru was. Her emotions were agitated.

Tayuya turned her head to hide the single tear that she couldn't hold back despite her best efforts. That her presence was a determining factor in greatly speeding up countermeasures for the cursed seal touched her.

And finally be free from the shackles of his past?

Not having to fear that one night she'll wake up suddenly and Orochimaru will control her?

"Thank you," she murmured in such a small tone that no one heard her.

But the feeling was there.