Chap.61 Like a fairy tale

—Tony, is this type of dish something that can be produced in larger quantities?

Tsunade immediately understood the enormous appeal of this form of food. It was no longer a question of whether it was nutritionally rich or tasted great, no, this went much further.

It would not be an exaggeration to call it a medicinal kitchen!

If they could get a supply for the Konoha hospital, he estimates they could reduce the recovery time of patients from months to days. Ninjas could take riskier and better paying missions, since they could recover more easily. And that was just the tip of the iceberg!

But Tony didn't hesitate to pour cold water on the Hokage's illusions.

"Impossible," Tony denied. "These dishes can only be prepared thanks to the unique combination of my ingredients, recipes, and special techniques." While the first two could be used, the techniques are something I can't pass on. Not for lack of will, but because it's a unique trait of mine. Also, the food should be freshly made. It will lose any effectiveness if some time passes, so I can't do the same as with my ninja edibles. There is also the fact that I prefer to keep this type of food as my trump card. I think you understand what I mean.

Tsunade could only nod in dismay. Danzo already made plans just because of the little she knew about Tony and she herself also began to think of possible benefits as soon as she found out, as a reflex action. If what happened leaked into or out of the village, the number of sick people and people who would search for Tony or try to kill him were countless.

"Don't worry, we won't say anything about what happened today," Tsunade assured as the rest of the girls nodded to demonstrate a similar promise.

"Thanks," Tony replied, "But just to be safe, this includes not mentioning it to people like Jiraiya or your personal ANBU." No written records either.

Tsunade froze for a moment, but she nodded again. In fact, she thought of keeping it confidential in the village archives, so if people like Jiraya ask about her change, it wouldn't be a problem to reveal a bit.

But remembering how Tony had to keep his guard up against Danzo all this time, this would probably be considered a huge betrayal of her trust. Tsunade liked the boy, her little sister was her second apprentice, quite talented at it, and the chain of shops in the village accounted for a significant part of the taxes that the treasury collected.

And she was still waiting for the liquor from her fiancé from her!

No matter what angle he looked at it from, it was definitely better to keep Tony's trust. With her assessment of the other party's personality, she knows that he will not deliberately cause trouble.

Dinner ended while they talked and laughed, having fun. Tsunade proposed to go for a few drinks, but she suddenly remembered that she and Shizune were the only ones allowed to drink alcohol. Karin, Tony and Tayuya were still considered minors and drinking at their age was not smart.

Before Tsunade went from talking about drinks to betting, Shizune, who knew her teacher well, told her that it was late and they should return, since tomorrow she had many documents to sign.

"Don't talk about it Shizune, I want to end tonight in a good mood!" Tsunade sighed, her spirits suddenly sinking.

Tony rolled his eyes and simply gave him some advice, the same as any person with common sense should have told any Kage from any Village.

But apparently, such people did not exist in the world of Naruto. Only great fanfic readers could possess that wisdom.

"Why don't you use clones to help you with the paperwork?" Just do two or three and the speed at which you'll finish the job will be greatly reduced.

Shizune and Tsunade gaped at him.

That's it! How is it possible that no one has noticed until now?

"Hahaha, in the end I WILL finish the night in a good mood." Tsunade laughed happily and approached Tony with her eyes shining.

The next moment was so fast it was a blur, Tony felt something warm on his forehead and before he could react Tsunade turned and ran off with Shizune. Karin and Tayuya looked at the bold Hokage in surprise as Tony reached up to touch his forehead.

Tsunade had just done what he thought he did?

[Ding! The host has fulfilled a hidden achievement.]

[Hidden Achievement: Prince Charming!]

[Condition: Obtain a kiss from a true princess given on her own initiative that contains genuine gratitude and innocence.]

[Hidden Reward: In the world of Naruto, there are several princesses and the reward is influenced by the hidden achievement trigger, Princess Senju: Tsunade Senju. The host obtains the Forest of Gluttony (One Piece) summon contract.]

Tony didn't expect him to get another hidden achievement after so long. He didn't immediately consult the reward, because he had to deal with Karin and Tayuya, who were suddenly in a strange mood. Only after calming them down and sending them to his rooms did Tony look at the reward as he cleaned up the dishes.

[Forest of Gluttony: This is a giant carnivorous plant that grows in the Boin Archipelago, also known as Baron's Stomach. Due to their large size and the greenstone forests that grow from their body, they are often mistaken for islands. These forests contain hundreds of varieties of highly nutritious and delicious food in the center of the island, which is actually the mouth of the Baron's Stomach. The closer the prey gets to the center, the more delicious the food will be and the less chance it will have to escape.]

[Warning: Forest of Gluttony is a large area mass summon and is unable to distinguish between enemies or allies. As long as someone takes a single bite of your exposed bait, they will be marked as the next item on the menu.]

"System, you mean as long as I summon it and it doesn't eat any of the bait, it won't attack me?

[Correct. It will only attack if someone takes the initiative to pluck or eat its bait. As long as you don't lose anything on your end, you will be calm and patient. It's a predator that uses a honey trap and as long as the trap doesn't pop, nothing else matters to it.]

"At least I won't have to feed him for his services..." he murmured, remembering the payment of the chimera ants.

Meleoron didn't come cheap! He was a chimera ant who specialized in stealth and infiltration, just thinking how much food he would need to prepare in order to summon royal guards or royals… makes him shudder.

—At the end of the conversation, I forgot to discuss with Tsunade what I want to do next —she looked out the kitchen window and saw the dark sky— It doesn't matter, I'll talk to her tomorrow —she shrugged her shoulders and finished washing the dishes.

…Meanwhile, in an underground laboratory far from Konoha…

Yellow eyes observed the data from his most recent experiment in his hands, turning his head towards what seemed like a simple broken apple on the table.

"This… how is it even possible?