Chap.69 Float Like A Butterfly, Sting Like A Bee

Right now, Tony was in a Kumogakure training ground fighting a man using only kenjutsu. After a couple of hours of fighting, they stopped in unison to rest.

"Thank you for the lesson, Atsui-san," Tony thanked.

"Don't worry, I'm just doing my part," Samui's brother replied as he tried to regulate his breathing.

Although Tony declined Kumogakure's offer, they remained relatively cordial with him looking forward to the possibility of a change of sides in the future. Since he would need to spend some time in the village, Tony issued a mission to Kumogakure to find someone to practice kenjutsu on.

The fact that the person who will take the mission was Samui's brother, he doesn't know for sure if it was coincidence or a deliberate arrangement. Be that as it may, the training was useful.

A small voice in his head sometimes wondered why not bring Samui to Konoha under the pretense of a marriage union between two villages, as a show of trust, but the common sense within him ruled out the idea because of the amount of inconvenience. it overwhelmed any kind of profit, which was already low enough.

For starters, would the Raikage agree? No, and he didn't want to anger him in his own village. And even though Samui was quite the beauty among known kunoichi, his loyalty was undoubtedly strongly tied to Kumogakure. Not to mention that they had only met once.

Sometimes beauty wasn't everything.

Let's say the Raikage reluctantly agrees and Samui comes to Konoha under the deal, he'll be under constant ANBU surveillance and Tony won't feel comfortable. Not to mention how his sister, Tsunade and the rest would react.

More importantly, what would Tayuya think?

Wait, why am I suddenly focused on her?

-Do you hear me? —Atsui's voice snapped Tony out of his musings.

Sorry, I was thinking about something. What were you saying? Tony asked.

—I heard from my sister that your food is very good. I know you haven't opened your business yet, but I have some friends who are interested in trying it out and their curiosity is killing them. Would it be possible to fix something?

-Friends? Sure, it's not a problem —Tony agreed, he didn't mind cooking and he was starting to get hungry— We still have time before it's time to eat, I can prepare something while you go looking for them if you want. They are many?

-Really? Cool! —Atsui smiled— There will only be five of us, me, my sister and three friends.

"Okay, any preferences?"

—Oh no, we're already asking a lot of you, just do what you want —Atsui shook his head—Don't worry, we're not picky.

…In the Raikage's office…

"...these are the latest documents, please sign them, Raikage-sama."

"Is there still more?" the Raikage complained, annoyed as hell. "Remember me, why do I have a council if they don't do any administrative work?"

—That's because… —Samui interrupted his response when he received a mental message— Raikage-sama, Atsui managed to fulfill his purpose.

"Well, that's it!" —The Raikage stood up and walked out of the office, quickly moving away from the endless papers—Call B and Yugito! I'm going to let them try the food they've been pestering for months without stopping. Remind them to change their appearances! I don't want that brat to know that our jinchurikis are the ones who are going to eat.

"Raikage-sama, you too must change your appearance," Samui reminded him.

-Oh, I almost forgot!

…Half an hour later…

-Welcome! —Tony received Atsui, Samui and the three friends of the brothers. Two men and a woman— I hope you're hungry.

"You can count on that, you silly idiot!" ♪

-Behave well! Samui looked at the transformed Killer B with narrowed eyes.


Tony's expression remained a hearty smile, but on the inside he was laughing non-stop as he recognized B from his constant tendencies to rap. He didn't even alter his voice!

Following that logic, the woman should be Yugito Nii while the remaining man should be some high-ranking Kumogakure official. He didn't remember much of the higher ups of this village, but he was sure that he couldn't be the Raikage. With his personality, it was most likely that he would present himself as his true self, striking jojo poses and demanding to cook him something to eat with a commanding tone.

"Knowing that there would be six of us in total, I prepared a total of five cloches for all of you," Tony explained as he pointed to five plates covered by stainless steel bells. "Since Atsui has said that you are not picky eaters, each dish has a different style . Next, I will randomly distribute them and present them to you.

He distributed the cloches and began by lifting the one from Samui.

—For Samui-san, he has touched the tropical style —Tony introduced— All the dishes are made up of fruits of different textures and flavors. Very suitable for healthy skin and keeping the body hydrated.

Then, he kept uncovering the rest one by one.

—For Atsui-san, the barbecue style. Smoked beef that melts in the mouth accompanied by a thick sauce.

"For the lady," Tony said as he uncovered Yugito's plate, "The white style." Rice pudding, fresh cheese with apple honey, whipped cream with real sugar…

"For the gentleman," Tony said as he uncovered the Raikage's plate, "The brave style." Chili pepper burrito, spicy mapo tofu, Sichuan stew…

"And lastly," Tony said as he uncovered Killer B's plate, "the maritime style. Squid rings, takoyaki, Galician octopus...

Everyone was impressed by the variety of foods and began to eat with delight. Well, except for the Raikage and Killer B.

The Raikage was sweating as he stared at all the red on his plate, burning his eyes and nostrils just from the smell. But the brave style was so appropriate for him...

As for Killer B, he didn't have a problem with food, but…

Well, someone else seemed to have a lot to say. And they weren't pretty words!