Chap.70 Three Years Later...

Three years have passed since Tony set out on his journey to expand his business in the other villages. After spending time in Kumogakure receiving more visits from Atsui's "friends", he visited Iwagakure where they also tried to recruit him.

But Onoki was a bit desperate since unlike other villages they didn't have anything remarkable apart from his infrastructure talent, so he offered his granddaughter, Kurotsuchi, as bait!

Yes, one of the only three women who would become a Kage in the story apart from Tsunade and Mei Terumi. But Tony was not fooled, Onoki was much more direct and could guess that he alone was behind the huge amount of money generated by the Kuku store.

Also, Tony didn't like Kurotsuchi's character! She wasn't as attractive as Samui and her personality was childish and proud, so she tactfully declined.

Onoki's granddaughter was furious to be offered like this by her grandfather, but she was even more furious to be rejected on the spot without a doubt!

Tony did not understand that she was going through his head!

Unfortunately, Kurotsuchi is also a spiteful person and she made the process of opening her business in Iwagakure very difficult. Maybe in Sunagakure she had to wait three months because of Chiyo, but here it was almost two years of back and forth!

Tony just gritted his teeth and persisted for the System mission!

Even Onoki knew that his granddaughter was going too far with this matter. Although he was secretly proud that he inherited his stubbornness, seeing Tony's attitude change over time, he had to intervene for fear that Tony would have an outburst and do something drastic to his granddaughter. .

Especially since that day.

Tony once invited them to eat to try to "make up" and his granddaughter sneeringly dumped the plate of food on the floor, criticizing it for being unappetizing. It was only a split second, but Onoki would swear that he felt a tremendous killing intent focused on Kurotsuchi!

A tyrannical and bestial bloodlust!

If it weren't for his decades-long instincts and experiences, he might not have noticed it! He hastened to say goodbye to him saying that he had forgotten an important matter and dragged his granddaughter with him away from Tony.

What Onoki didn't know was that he saved his granddaughter's life at the time, because even the "affable" gourmet demon in Tony felt that Kurotsuchi had gone too far by throwing her food away. Tony needed to focus on actively calming down so he wouldn't attack.

In short, the business managed to open after a lot of effort and the prices were the most expensive of all the ninja villages. Five times more expensive to be precise!

And if they have any complaints about it, let them talk to Onoki's granddaughter!

Besides, Tony had no plans to ever return to Iwagakure. Thanks to Kurotsuchi and the people supporting her to make things difficult for him, he came to really loathe the village and its inhabitants.

And to think that when he came to this world, he was hesitating between Konoha and this place…

At least his efforts were worth it.

[He has completed the mission successfully!]

[The rewards are being delivered…]

[Devil Fruit Awakening + Three Gourmet Judges Pack + Aqua Lagoon Salt (One piece) + Substantial and Comprehensive Increase in Host Strength]

[The host has fulfilled the conditions of the optional quest.]

[The rewards are being delivered…]

[Chef Nyanta (Log Horizon) + ??? (Depends on amount discovered.)]

[The host has discovered a total of 64 culinary specialties on his journey!]

[??? → Summoning Contract: Chocobo!]

Thanks to the quest rewards, Tony's strength underwent a complete jump and he was sure that he had long exceeded the requirements to be a jonin. He may even have reached the threshold of a Kage!

The increase in strength aside, just the awakening of the devil fruit was quite terrifying.

If before he had the ability to turn inert things into food, now he could not only turn living things into sweets against his will, but by devouring them he could obtain a series of benefits for it. If, for example, he turned a ninja into a sweet and ate it, he would get an improvement in his chakra reserves, an increase in physical attributes, the possibility of learning the jutsus that ninja mastered, etc.

In other words, his awakening mode was similar to a mix between the evil version of Android 21 from Dragon Ball and Tomokui Kanata's ability from Re:Monster.

Now, Tony never agreed to eat this kind of food. But, if people like Madara, Obito and the like were transformed into food and he could get strength from him…

What's more, a huge question arose: could he transform Kaguya Otsutsuki into a sweet? And if so, would eating it result in her getting all the power from him?

Note to self, try to eat Kaguya when the time comes.

For the good of this world!

Wait! What if he will try to do that with the Juubi? Mmm, but then the biju…

The pack of three Gourmet Judges turned out to be a way to summon three character ghosts that could act as judges in a contest or cooking competition. They were composed of:

-Nakiri Erina, the tongue of god that finds the smallest flaws.

-The harlequin, the judge who explains the benefits of each dish and transforms.

-Toriko, the gluttonous heavenly king who makes sure to eat everything without leaving anything behind.

Then when he found out that he got the contract from the chocobos, he freaked out!

Yes, he was able to summon the most adorable, soft, adorable and strong version. They were not those fat or strange chocobos, but the best of the best.

As soon as Karin saw them, he begged to share the summoning contract with her! Tony was unable to refuse, so now his little sister can use the Alcremie and the Chocobo.

And speaking of Karin, he managed to graduate with honors along with Sakura from Tsunade's medical ninjutsu. He even learned the fighting style from him to clean punch and the seal on the forehead! It's just that instead of just trying to copy her sensei's style (like a certain pink-haired person did), Karin created her own style and also learned some wind and water techniques, which were her affinities discovered after passing the test. of the chakra paper. She also had additional experience crafting poisons and antidotes thanks to Anko. As for fuinjutsu, she also learned part of the Uzumaki heritage that had been preserved in the village thanks to her sensei.

Anko mastered the use of the curse seal and the two transformations of her. The first phase causes black lines in round patterns to emerge on its body, while the second phase darkens its skin and prominent features it displays are huge fangs in its mouth like a saber-tooth tiger, hard scales on its arms and a tail also scaled that is divided in two. Her only complaint is that when she comes out of her transformation, the way her teeth and tail shrink from her feels really weird to her.

Tayuya has changed a bit in this time. She has managed to meet a few more people in the village and is no longer under constant surveillance. Although her tough attitude is still there, she is calmer with Karin, Shizune and company. Her body has been slimmed down and both Shizune and Karin seem to be a bit envious for some reason. Tayuya now wears chain mail like Anko, but instead of an open trench coat, she wears a purple kimono which makes her look more elegant and always wears black lipstick. Her hair is still somewhat wild, but it is much neater as it is gathered in three braids that fall down her back to her waist and end with a spiky accessory. As I understand it, these accessories are not really there to attack, but to cause a certain frequency of sound through a special technique of oscillating movement that induces the enemy in a genjutsu in a discreet way.

Oh, I also realized my feelings during these years and found out that I fell in love with Tayuya at some point. I guess my appreciation for the character changed now that I was dealing with the person in the flesh, not to mention the hormones in my body did the job for him. I had a vague feeling that it wasn't something one-sided, so one day when I returned to Konoha to report after finally finishing business in Iwagakure, I decided to jump into the pool and confess.

The result was a punch, followed by a hug, then he shook me like a rag, and finally I left my house with black-smeared lips and a smile.

It's official, Tayuya and I have become a couple.

The Akimichi clan was stunned when he found out, I think they were under the impression that if he ever found a mate, it would be within his clan.

What can I say, love is not something that one can plan.

Did he leave me anything else?

Oh I got it! Tsunade became very happy just a few days ago and the reason is none other than my coming of age. According to his last medical examination, he is sure that I, Karin and Tayuya have already turned eighteen despite not knowing our dates of birth.

And why did Tsunade care about that?

Because the System finally gave me access to alcoholic beverages!

Fire Whiskey, Butterbeer, etc.

All the drinks that I promised him when he welcomed Karin as his disciple were finally able to go down his throat after years of waiting.

In fact, when I told him the drinks were ready, he thought she was kidding him!

Didn't believe me in the slightest!

Only after taking out the bottles that I prepared beforehand, he started laughing as if he had lost his mind, hugging the drink in his arms. Still, to my complete surprise, I don't take a single sip. He waited until after the jonin test, when I passed without a problem, to start drinking in celebration.