Chap.71 New Partner

"System, show me my status," Tony thought after realizing that he hadn't verified his changes in years. He was now at home and was curious to see what he said.


Name: Gluttony, nicknamed Tony.

Current world: Naruto.

Ability: Devil Fruit Kuku Kuku no mi (no weakness) + En's Breath + Transform Tomatoes into Magma + Turkey's Alive Dolls Modified Technique + Pearl Jam (Jojo).

Weapons: Twin Blades of the Dragon King Derous.

Traits: Gourmet Cells + Awakened Gourmet Demon: Gluttony Homunculus

Summoning Contract: Chimera Ants + Alcremie + Forest of Gluttony + Ryuchi Cave + Chocobo

Couple: Tayuya

Description: A powerful and wealthy jonin from Konoha who has touched the threshold of strength belonging to a Kage. Known throughout the five great ninja villages and beyond for his chain of Kuku stores, his strange gourmet ninja techniques, and his personal connections. He possesses an awakened gourmet demon. He has the mysterious ability to transform things into food and can temporarily sublimate said ability to transform living things and become stronger by devouring them. His romantic partner is Tayuya, whom he loves madly.

"System, is it necessary to add that?" Tony commented wordlessly when he saw the new section called "Couple" and the description.

[The host is not satisfied with his status update?]

"Forget it, you've bothered to add it, I'd be wrong to ask you to remove it" Tony denied while he was unable to hide a smile.

[Ding! The host has accomplished a hidden achievement!]

[Hidden Achievement: Dog Food!]

[Condition: The host has found a romantic partner and is showing it off to the System. How cheeky!]

[Hidden Reward: Battle Wolf Pup (Son of Guinness)]

-System! Do you want the Inuzuka clan to assault me? Tony asked scared. He decided to ignore the name of the hidden achievement and the description of it, focusing on the reward.

[The host should not worry. The battle wolf is completely loyal to the host and partly loyal to its mate. He will grow rapidly by feeding him high level food. On the other hand, the host must remember that the battle wolf will refuse to eat anything that is not provided by the host itself. There is no food in this world that can meet the requirements of the battle wolf naturally, not even the sages of the three places have the qualifications to be eaten by it. They are not worthy.]

"...Is he really the son of Guinness?" The Wolf King himself from Area 2? The one with a capture level of 6090?

[The host must remember that he is a newborn cub. Despite having more potential than Terry, he will need time to eat and grow. Due to his ancestry, the host will need to teach him almost nothing when it comes to fighting.]

"You know System, it would have been great to get the pup BEFORE he passes the three year period," Tony commented annoyed.

[The System is not to blame for the host being so dense on this topic. According to the shared average of other Systems, their hosts have already assembled a harem of at least five members or more in a similar period of time.]

"Shut up and get the puppy out."

The System's comment annoyed Tony greatly. He was dense? Silly stuff.

Also, he wasn't one of those protagonists who would be indulged to his wishes and protected by plot armor just for going to another world. He had it very clear since Kabuto stabbed him and Tsunade had to save his life. This was real and he wouldn't take the feelings of the people he cares about lightly.

A flash of light suddenly shone into the living room and an illusory figure appeared in front of Tony, becoming embodied by moments until it became real and gently descended to the floor.

—So this is the battle wolf. What name should I give it? —Tony examined the new companion with his interest as he raised one of the paws— You're a man, huh. I'll call you Fenrir in that case.

The cub was shadow-dark fur, which was unusual for a battle wolf since they're usually white, but being who his father is, it's understandable. He has two blue lines under his eyes and a shaggy mane that was just starting to come out. He wasn't small at all, as he was the same size as a normal adult wolf. Perhaps the movement of his leg woke him up, he opened his eyes that are black in color with pink pupils and looked around him as he trembled. His attention was quickly drawn to Tony as he caught his scent and licked his hand.

"Hey, happy to meet you mate." Tony immediately felt the connection. "Are you hungry?"

Fenrir answered him with a bark of affirmation. After all, battle wolves are highly intelligent creatures and can even understand humans and read the emotions of others.

Later, when Karin returned from buying some household supplies like toothpaste and toilet paper, she found a dark wolf in the living room that she was happily eating a table-sized piece of meat.

Wait a second… where did the table they had go?

When the wolf suddenly stopped eating and turned to look at her with her pink eyes, Karin froze like a deer in car headlights. After sniffing in her direction, Fenrir ignored Karin as he caught Tony's scent on her.

So he assumed he was part of the pack.

"Oni-chaaaan!" Karin yelled after she was able to move again.

Tony came rushing in when he heard his little sister's scream.

"What's going on Karin?" She, she asked him, are we under attack? You're hurt? —Then she came up with something even worse— Has Anko-sensei tried cooking again? We have to run!

"Why is there a wolf in our house?"

—Oh, that was it —Tony sighed in relief— he's a new member of the family. You can think of it like he was my partner if he was born into the Inuzuka clan. Although he is still a newborn so be careful not to scare him.

Karin looked at the full-grown wolf that continued to tear at the meat with gusto.

Was that a newborn?

SHE had to be careful not to scare HIM?

"How much will it grow?" Karin asked suddenly worried.

"This…" Tony didn't know what to say.

According to the System, cubs fed high-level food could quickly grow up to three meters in height. But the battle wolf goes through several growth spurts and can easily reach fifty meters in height. In other words, when Fenrir was an adult, he would be titanic in stature.

And if one takes into account that the nine-tailed fox is only about a hundred feet tall in comparison…

Anyway, it's something I should solve in the future!

While Tony was thinking about what to answer, he heard Tayuya coming up.

"Where did this wolf come from?" Her," she asked, more puzzled than scared. When someone lives with Tony that long, he gets used to the oddity showing up from time to time. Last time, a sculpture of a giraffe made out of cookies was found.

Fenrir examined the newcomer and immediately understood her identity with the smell, she was Tony's partner, the queen of the pack. Her scent was much stronger than the other human's, which evidenced the difference in status. He greeted her cheerfully by handing her a piece of the meat she was eating at her feet and returned to her feast.

"I like this wolf," Tayuya commented with a smile as she reached over and petted Fenrir.

Karin felt a pang of jealousy at the difference in treatment.

Because he gave Tayuya meat from her and ignored her?

And suddenly, he thought of something terrifying.

And she tries to eat his adorable chocobos?