Chap.79 I'll Use Myself

Tony not only managed to stop the block of iron sand dead in its tracks, but sent it forcefully back with such speed that Sasori didn't have time to move the third Kazekage's puppet, and it was hit square, sending it flying through the ceiling. of the cave and destroying it. Rocks fell, the sky revealed overhead as the remaining buildings lost their magnetism, resulting in the iron sand falling without any manipulating force to the ground.

"What a monster!" Sasori thought as she looked at the remains of one of her favorite collections. So, it wasn't just the pink-haired kunoichi who had brute strength. Maybe this guy is her teacher? Weird, they seem to be about the same age.

As Sasori stared at Tony in surprise after his change, Tony was rubbing his abnormally large fists together in irritation.

"This is why I prefer to use the other powers, now my knuckles sting like hell," he muttered with a frown. "Besides, using my gourmet demon will only make me hungry much faster and then I have to eat a lot to compensate." I'd better try to finish it as soon as possible." He took out a dose of the antidote Sakura gave him and injected it into her arms. "The antidote will only last three minutes, but my gourmet cells should generate antibodies to the poison in two minutes maximum with this stimulus. .

"I admit I didn't expect you to manage to destroy my third Kazekage puppet." And that change in your arms… are you part of a clan? —Sasor raised his hand and began to unbutton the Akatsuki robe calmly— Making your members become abnormally large, that's something only the Akimichi clan can achieve.

Tony gave Sasori a wonderful look.

Good boy, your theory is so off the mark but you were right at the same time, that's a talent.

"Oh wait, I remember. The girl from earlier called you Tony and if you're from the Akimichi clan, that means you must be the owner of that ninja grocery store I heard Zetsu talking about. It's amazing that you've managed to reach this level of strength despite running a business," he commented with a bit of admiration in his voice, "Too bad, all your hard work will come to nothing. I'll kill you, then turn you into a human puppet and take over your business. It will be useful to have more money for materials." She removed her robes and revealed his puppet body.

Two jagged metal wings on his back unfurled, he had a cylinder with the word scorpion on his chest and a coil of poison-covered metal wire with a sharp point unscrewed from his stomach cavity to hold him up.

"I guess I haven't used myself since I joined Akatsuki, this will be fun." Two nozzles poked out of his palms and torrents of high-temperature flames erupted.

What the hell? Are you trying to play with fire with someone like him?

"Gluttony: Ripples of the Red Sea!"

Tony plunges his fists into the earth and transforms a large amount of the ground into tomato sauce, which, carried by the force of the blow's impact, generates waves that rush towards the incoming fire, turning into magma that blocks the attack.

Despite the pressure of the spitting flames, they cannot heat the magma any further and their density and weight offset to a standstill the action for several seconds.

"Lava manipulation?" —Sasori looked annoyed as he stopped breathing fire—I thought only that woman from the mist and the jinchuriki in the monkey could do that. Do you have any blood mutation? —Actually, Sasori began to shoot large amounts of water from the nozzles of his hands.

Tony was also annoyed, he had activated the gourmet demon intending to get close and finish off Sasori before he could use the scrolls on his back. Now that he started using the water scroll, it would only take a few moments before he would focus the pressure and turn the scattered water into jets of pressure capable of cutting through rock.

She narrowed her eyes and used her sensor-nin abilities to check how far away Sakura and Chiyo were, while also making sure Naruto and Kakashi hadn't returned.

"Well, I should be able to finish it in time," she nodded inwardly, "Fenrir, listen to me...

-What are you doing? Sasori noticed Tony's lips move, but due to his own attack and the other party's quick evasions, he was unable to read lips.

-Understood? Now go away," Tony ordered.

The battle wolf stepped out of his shadow and headed in the same direction as Sakura and Chiyo.

"If you think that sending your wolf to ask for help will do any good, you are sorely mistaken," Sasori said with a smile. "I wonder how my grandmother and that kunoichi would react when they were suddenly attacked under my control upon their arrival."

"Who said he went to ask for help?" —Tony looked at him with a smile from ear to ear— On the contrary, I want to make sure that nobody approaches during the next few minutes.

As good a point as he finished the sentence, his body began to change again. His hair fell silent, his nose bulged and his eyes narrowed. At the same time, his jaw opened to his waist and several sharp fangs protruded from the opening.

"Awakened Gourmet Demon, Second Form: Gluttony Homunculus!"

Sasori shuddered at the hateful transformation.

"What an ugly thing you are!" It's no wonder you don't want anyone else to come —he looked at Tony's new form with disgust— You're like those monsters Hidan and Kakuzu, there's nothing further from true art than you. I better end this once and for all.

She extended a string of chakra to the scrolls on his back and lifted it into the air before opening it and a hundred puppets shooting out of the scroll. Puppets with blades, swords, metal claws, clubs, etc. She opened a compartment in her right chest and a large number of chakra strings were connected to the new puppets.

"This is better," Tony laughed and rushed toward the dozens of puppets assailing him with the familiar sound of continually snapping jaws. He needed to be careful, because the fewer puppets left as he destroys them, the better Sasori will be able to control the remaining ones.

Despite his altered and seemingly heavy form, Tony's agility should not be underestimated and since his body has already had enough time to generate antibodies to Sasori's venom, as long as he doesn't receive a serious injury, small injuries are acceptable.


Tony crushed the puppets two by two with his huge fists, when an attack was not evaded he would extend one of his arms and hold another puppet in front of him as a shield, after which they were thrown like projectiles.

His body began to receive cuts here and there, but his accelerated recovery caused said wounds to close up just a few seconds later.

…Meanwhile, outside the cave…

"Chiyo-sama, let's hurry up!" Sakura yelled, now recovered from her paralysis thanks to the food. "Tony must be having a hard time, we have to go back and help!"

"Be a little considerate with these old bones," Chiyo snorted a little tired, suddenly looking up, "Something's coming!"

"Fenrir?" Sakura looked at the battle wolf in surprise. "Did something happen to Tony?"

Fenrir barked and gestured for them to follow him. Chiyo and Sakura exchanged glances and nodded, before rushing in Fenrir's direction.

Seeing that the two followed him as expected, Fenrir tracked the scent of Naruto and Kakashi to guide them to them.

Tony's instructions had been clear, not to let them come back and lead them to the other teammates to help get Gaara back. Once the two parties meet, he must return to Tony.

…Back at the Akatsuki hideout…

Tony had managed to destroy all the puppets and was holding Sasori by the neck. Sasori's puppet body was in poor condition, missing one of the metal wings, both arms, his right eye, and one leg.

"How can Konoha have a monster like you?" Her," she asked as her remaining eye looked at Tony.

The broken parts didn't worry him too much, the body he's wearing doesn't feel pain and as long as he doesn't find out the core secret of her, he will be saved.

Too bad he's going up against Tony.

Hunger had already started to take hold of him and not wanting to waste any more time, he crushed Sasori's head and grabbed the cylinder with the word scorpion written on it, before crushing it like a grape. After making sure of his destruction, he deactivated the gourmet demon and lay down on the ground, tired.

"I didn't expect using the second form to be so consuming," Tony snorted between breaths, "Well, I'll eat something and then forge a scroll with the Akatsuki information." Even though the fight was over, he was still secretly alert in case Zetsu appeared near him. He didn't like the fact that Sasori said that Zetsu had information on him.

Since Sasori died at his hands, he didn't tell anyone that Kabuto is his "spy" and the meeting he had arranged on the bridge. He could add that information along with that of the Akatsuki members, their abilities and weaknesses as well as Pain's impending attack on Konoha.