Chap.80 Sacrifice for a better future

After eating and resting a bit, Fenrir returned and stood guard while Tony recovered. Once he got some energy back, he started preparing and putting away various things.

—Sasori's puppet, saved.

—Akatsuki ring, saved.

—Akatsuki Ultra Comprehensive Information Scroll, completed.

The scroll included the meeting on the bridge in ten days, the identity of each member and their information, Pain's planned attack on Konoha, Tobi's true identity and the secret behind his intangibility, Madara's planned resurrection, th plan of Zetsu's Eye Moon and his true purpose, etc.

It basically includes everything needed in the plot, except for Kaguya's identity.

As to whether or not Tsunade and the people getting the information find it credible, well, he couldn't do more.

[Ding! Mission completed successfully, delivering rewards…]

[Bianchi from Poisonous Kitchen (Katekyo Hitman Reborn) and Nao Sadatsuka (Shokugeki no Soma) along with their combined recipes.]

[Note: I feel unspeakable pity for your enemies. Again!]

—I think it's the first time I'll say it but... I'm not going to try this food! Tony shuddered to think of the result of such a combination.

To save energy, he used Fenrir as a mount and headed for the big explosion in the forest, where Deidara had to "immolate himself" to finish buying time.

"I see that you have already recovered Gaara" he commented seeing everyone tired and exhausted.

"What happened to Sasori?" Chiyo asked.

"Dead, quite," Tony declared as he held up a scroll. "I have her puppet, if you want to get it back later," he added.

-I see…

—Sakura, if you don't mind, you could use some medical jutsu on my hands —he asked as he showed the half-healed peeling and bleeding skin— I can recover on my own, but honestly, the itching is quite annoying and shouldn't cost you much . I also don't want Karin to scold me.

"Sure, let me see." Sakura reached over to examine her wounds and placed her palm on her knuckles, generating green chakra to begin to heal.

"The blond boy ran away?" Her," she asked as they healed Kakashi.

"He blew himself up." Kakashi pointed to the arm on the grass, all that was left of Deidara.

"Mmm, Tenten, would you mind sealing that arm?"

"What do you want an arm for?" Tenten asked surprised.

"You're not thinking of modifying your hands in the same way, are you?" Lee asked, horrified at the idea.

-That? Not! —Tony immediately denied Lee's crazy imagination— But if we take him back, he can be studied and perhaps give new approaches to improve prosthetics.

Also, that arm had another Akatsuki ring on it. With two of them missing, the extraction of the biju's chakra for the statue would be much slower, if they manage to get their hands on the remaining jinchurikis once he hands over his information scroll.

Despite his obvious disgust, Tenten sealed the arm in a scroll and gave it to Tony.

The rest of the trip was unchanged from the original trajectory. Chiyo gave his life to return Gaara to the living, a funeral was held, Tony made a 50% discount that would last a week in his honor and everyone finally returned to Konoha.

Karin went to leave her things at home, Kakashi would have to spend several weeks in the hospital and by the time Tsunade got the information from Sasori's "spy", there were only six days left. Only after the rest of the ninja had left the office did he hand over the scroll with all the information he "stole" from Akatsuki and left before Tsunade opened it.

When he was finally comfortable in his own house, a familiar sound played in his head.

[Ding! Mission Aggressive Marketing! completed successfully, delivering rewards…]

[Interdimensional Travel Ticket (Single Use Item) has been exchanged for an Interdimensional Summoning Ticket (Single Use Item).]

[Interdimensional Summoning Ticket (Single Use Item): The host can use it to summon a temporary clone of a character, creature, or item for support. The conditions and restrictions vary based on the clone called, but it will always have a limited duration that cannot exceed 12h.]

—It can be considered as an ace in the hole, it is too multifaceted.

[The optional quest has been successfully completed, delivering rewards…]

—At last, I am curious as to what will be the help that the System will give to Karin.

[Optional Reward: New Defensive Gourmet Ninja Technique: Carquinyoli's Indestructible Barrier! + Devil Fruit: Ope Ope no mi (modified).]

"A devil fruit?" Tony's eyes almost popped out of his head and he hurried to review the specific information.

[Ope Ope no mi: A heart-shaped paramecia-type devil fruit that bears resemblance to a strawberry or a peach depending on your point of view. It grants its user great manipulation of the surrounding environment by manifesting a light blue hemispherical spatial barrier with the user as its epicenter. He can manipulate anything within the barrier in a "surgical" way. Enclosed is a scroll with its best-known uses at the hands of the Surgeon of Death: Trafalgar D. Water Law.]

[System Changes: The devil fruit has been adapted to the world of Naruto, the sea curse has been removed, but so has the ability to perform the eternal youth operation. Once its user dies, the fruit's power will not manifest into another fruit, but will disappear permanently.]

[Additional note: The taste is still terrible and cannot be changed by the host.]

-Come now! —Tony complained— Even if I use the awakening of the fruit, I can't change the bad taste?

But the System's response held firm.


"I'm sorry, sis," Tony sighed. "I did what I could."

After praying for three seconds for her little sister, he called her to end her suffering quickly.

Karin, come here! He yelled, "I have a surprise for you."

-A surprise? Karin approached Tony excitedly.

Tony maintained a forced smile, but inside he was sighing.