Chap.81 Threats

"You didn't have to do that," Tony grumbled as he held an ice pack to his head, comically trying to calm down the swelling. He didn't really hurt him, but he knew from experience that the best way to calm his sister down was to pretend a little—Sakura is influencing you with her bad habits.

—You told me that the taste was not very good, but this was on another level! Karin kept annoyed all over as she read the devil fruit scroll that she ate with immense difficulty after a battle of wills.

Perhaps she should have told him that one bite was enough?

"What do I say if someone asks about my new ability?" Karin asked a little worried as she read the scroll. This power was too versatile and easy to arouse jealousy.

"Just say it's something you invented by combining your Uzumaki lineage, your knowledge of fuinjutsu about barriers, what Tsunade taught you about medical jutsu, and some sudden inspiration combined with an accident during an experiment," Tony commented. "Powers gained by accidents are more common than you think.

"And if someone wants to know the details of the experiment?"

—Refuse. Say that you removed that information from your memory as being too dangerous and simply not something that can be taught, replicated, or inherited.

—And if he asks Tsunade-sensei, Tayuya and the others?

—Tell them there's a saying: "Everyone has the right to have a secret or two" —Tony reassured her— They should understand.

The two kept silent while Karin continued to study the scroll, because once she had memorized its contents, it would be destroyed at Tony's suggestion.

"Your ability with food comes from a strange fruit, right?" Karin suddenly asked without taking her eyes off the parchment.

—Yes, but mine didn't have instructions —Tony laughed and didn't hide anything, they were confident enough— I think you understand what the existence of this type of fruit implies and why I never said anything. Remember, never document anything about the fruit or tell anyone the truth.

"Didn't you think of giving the fruit to Tayuya?" Karin raised a valid point.

—I thought about it, but due to her powers, I think she will get more potential in the hands of the best medical kunoichi of the new generation —he replied to appease her— Besides, I've only gotten two of them in my entire life and I don't know if there will be one third in the future.

"I'll keep an eye out in case I find another similar one," Karin agreed.

Tony wanted to tell him that's impossible, but he decided to keep his mouth shut. For starters, the next "support" reward the System gives out might not even be a Devil Fruit.

Knock! Knock!

Someone knocked on the door and after Tony opened it, he saw an ANBU member standing in the doorway.

"Hokage-sama wants you to meet her urgently," he informed her.

Looks like they really took the Fenrir threat seriously, good to know!

—Okay —Tony nodded — Fenrir, stay and take care of Karin until she's finished —he requested— You have the food that I promised you where always.

Tony accompanied the ANBU over the rooftops without wasting any time and reached Tsunade's office. There were only the two of them in the office, as the ANBU left.

"Tony, how reliable is the information you got?" Tsunade asked with a seriousness never seen before.

"Totally reliable," he replied without hesitating for a second.

-Damn! —Tsunade did not doubt Tony. They checked many details like the members and knowing what to look for, the matches began to jump non-stop.

But knowing that Madara was involved, that someone was trapped on the moon, that Jiraiya's apprentices had changed so much, that there was a plant monster and spores that were so dangerous and all the crazy stuff contained in the scroll, he needed someone to step up to finish. to accept it.

"Kakashi won't take this information well." Tsunade rubbed her forehead in exasperation.

Knowing that he was manipulated into ending Rin just for Obito to see...

Yeah, he won't take it well.

"What's your take on all this, Tony?" —asked Tsunade— You must have had time to think while you returned to the village.

I have some thoughts.

Tsunade waved her hand for him to continue.

—The biggest current threat are: Zetsu, Obito and Pain —he explained— Although I'm sorry to say this because of Kakashi, Obito's mind has been deliberately deranged by Madara to such an extent that it's terrible and unfair, but it's a threat that must be dealt with. removed. Not locked away, sealed, or treated, but something more…permanent. Then we have Pain, whose eyes are the legendary Rinnegan of the Sage of Six Paths. The ideal? Gouge out his eyes and destroy them, without hesitating or being tempted. Without them, he is an ordinary ninja whose body is in disrepair due to the enormous burden those eyes carry. He would be doing him a favor actually, with medical ninjutsu, he can get other normal eyes.

—I agree that the approach with Obito is necessary, his spatial abilities are too dangerous and his mentality is at a point of no return, even if he discovers the truth of what happened —Tsunade agreed with a frown— As for Pain, whose real name is Nagato, I think Jiraiya might…

—Tsunade, with all due respect, you're the one who surely should know Jiraiya better —Tony interrupted— Do you believe without a doubt and with absolute certainty that he will be able to act decisively against his former students without trying to "reason", "give him a chance"? opportunity" or "have a teacher-student talk to teach them the right way" first? Tell the truth.

Tsunade clenched her fists, not giving an answer, which in itself was already an answer.

Tony looked at her and didn't take his eyes off her. Jiraiya's death only mattered to him because of Tsunade's feelings and he only brought up that awkward point because he didn't want Pain and Konan to become alert, become more difficult to deal with or they will hide.

—Consider it, we are not weighing benefits and losses, the damage that could be caused by failing is astronomical and the only gain will be to keep the peace. Or relative peace in the Shinobi world.

"I'll think about it," Tsunade replied as he slumped back in his chair, "What about Zetsu?"

"He's the biggest threat of all," Tony said, "A long life of scheming and manipulation that makes him more treacherous than Danzo, the ability to hide from almost all sensor ninjas, rudimentary manipulation of the element of wood, its spores, and mimicry ability." , the desire to revive the ten tails along with the army of white Zetsus makes it a headache. The ideal would be a method to seal the "original" which is the black Zetsu, but not a normal seal, but the eternal and unbreakable type. And it's not that they abound.

—A special sealing… —Tsunade looked at the ceiling— For now, I'll warn the other villages that Akatsuki is behind his jinchurikis. There's no guarantee that they'll listen to me too much or be too trusting, but it'll be something to start with." He straightened up and looked at Tony again. "Anything else?

—I got in touch with Itachi Uchiha.