Chap.87 Coliseum Profits

After everyone had finished eating, Froese said goodbye, but not before giving Tony some cooking tips. Small, but fundamental details that would make their meal even more delicious.

Now that the group had a better understanding of what the confrontations were like, they began to choose creatures that Tony was somewhat familiar with, such as the Troll Kong, Obsaurus, Crocodile Shark, Rubanda Mystery Bird....

For inedible enemies like the Troll Kong that had too much fibrous muscle, they got other ingredients like Rainbow Fruit as a reward.

Combat after combat, they came to face the Demonic Snake in a tough fight that ended in knocking out Shikamaru due to an oversight and Lee was almost swallowed by the creature, only thanks to Fenrir intervening and rescuing him tragedy was avoided.

After that, they chose the Balloon Whale as their opponent, whose victory condition was not to kill it, but to knock it out and successfully cook it. At that time, Tsunade's medical skills and Karin's devil fruit skill were critical, because although Tony was able to knock out with his newly acquired skill after several attempts and remembered the method of removing the poison sac, he had no experience dealing with living beings and the location of the poison sac changed for each whale.

Tsunade was delighted when she obtained a jar of Garana Eel preserved for five years in Shochu!

White apples, cheese rabbit, Neo tomatoes, almond cabbage, Sakeyashi fruit with 50% alcohol, Air Aqua, paradise rice, ten-yolk egg....

The ninjas were impressed with the food!

Even more so when Tony explained to them that he would make it available for sale in their stores when they returned!

After all, Tony only needed to eat something once to reproduce it using his devil fruit power, so the more he managed to harness in this place, the better.

Tsunade and Choji were the most aware of all of the immense benefits of these meals on their bodies. The Akimichi clan would undoubtedly be the ones to gain the most profit from eating these things and Tsunade was even considering asking Tony to only sell the lower catch level ingredients, otherwise he would only be strengthening possible enemies in the future.

But as the catch level increased, the fights were more complicated and not everyone could keep up, even if after finishing them they recovered.

Choji and Shikamaru reached their limit after the confrontation inside the Regal Mammoth to get the Jewel Meat. Anko also couldn't bear to participate after going through a complicated fight with a forest that was trying to devour them to get the BB Corn. Lee was left mentally stressed after having to go through an icy environment and having to flee from the Hellboros to get the Century Soup.

Being about to be eaten twice was not pleasant!

Although he was able to do remedial therapy thanks to his reward being a Wall Penguin summoning contract! The adults were ferocious, but the hatchlings are adorable and easily attached to anyone.

Now Karin, Tayuya, Tsunade and Tony are the only ones who can still follow. Fenrir also started acting up since the BB Corn came into play. He had currently grown to four meters tall, doubling his size and improving his battle instincts.

Noticing that they were starting to get to go uphill with the matchups, Tony decided to take advantage of the situation before going on against more difficult opponents and chose a series of opponents especially for Karin and Tsunade.

To be specific, he chose creatures that exist in a country specialized in healing, called "Life"!

Thanks to that, Tsunade obtained some seeds and the way to cultivate Doctor Aloe in Naruto's world. A plant that serves for external wounds, but also heals cells with necrosis caused by burns or frostbite. natural bandages!

But that was not all. He obtained some specimens of butterfly therapy, blood bug and medicinal bee that they could breed as soon as they returned. The Aburame clan would have immense joy and medicine in Konoha would advance by leaps and bounds, of that there is no doubt.

Karin for her part obtained diet fish, blood tetras, melanin gourami, cuticle berries, morning roses and tulip therapist. With them she could not only open the best spa in the world with beauty treatments impossible to replicate, but the cultivation of tulip therapist could become a real lifesaver for all the ninjas of Konoha, since it is a plant that "eats" wounds.

And they didn't need to worry about anyone stealing specimens, the methods for breeding and maintaining the plants, fish and insects were extremely specific and specialized.

The only pity is that they couldn't get the resurrection seed, a delicate seed that yields a flower that uses DNA information as "food" and recovers entire limbs.

After a profitable streak of bounties and preparing thoroughly, Tony chose to fight the Sphinx Salamander with a capture level of 92 which was the worst fight so far. It did not require killing the creature, but following a series of instructions such as where to hit, with what force, etc. to obtain the Mellow Tail. Fenrir, Tsunade and Tony had to combine their efforts to hit each part in a particular way in a predetermined order while Tayuya was in charge of distracting the sphinx and Karin got everyone to safety when they were in a bad spot and couldn't dodge the counterattack. After managing to obtain the Mellow Cola, everyone got some jars made from the tailed crystal tree material, except for Tayuya and Tony, who got a completely different reward.

Perhaps due to the affinity with the character, Tayuya got "infernal ears" along with the way to train the voice as Zebra while Tony on his side, learned directly to use the indiscriminate attack: "Sound Bazooka". The only catch was that unlike Tayuya, he would need to drink Mellow Cola to recover from throat damage every time he used it.

Tayuya also withdrew after getting such a reward and Karin was already too fatigued from using the Devil Fruit, so only Tony, Tsunade and Fenrir were left.

After some thought, Tony selected the Electric Phoenix as his opponent, as he felt there was a good chance of getting the Ozone Grass as a reward. Unfortunately, after defeating the creature, what he got was not what he expected, but a selection of vegetables from the vegetable heaven.

Tsunade was also reaching her limit after fighting the phoenix, so Tony didn't hesitate to choose other opponents to take advantage of in an area as special as the Life country.

The drinking archipelago!

They fought none other than the Emerald Dragon, who has a high-class wine on his back and after almost four hours of confrontation, Tony managed to knock him out at the cost of breaking an arm and invited everyone to taste the emerald wine.

The reward?

A first-class brandy spring, a waterfall of beer, a river of cocktail, a pool of refined sake, a shower of champagne, etc.

Tsunade was so excited to get the drinks and medicine, that if it weren't for Tayuya and Karin's presence, she would have jumped on Tony and started kissing him as only adults know how!

-Would you mind sharing some liquor with this old man? -A shaky old man with a toupee approached them.

-Master Knockout, Jirou? -Tony recognized him by the distinctive hairstyle. "Of course, come in!

That man was an alcoholic among alcoholics. Once someone asked him how often he visited the drinking archipelago.

His answer? Eight times a week!

-Hehe, thank you. I didn't come empty handed, I have some Salmon Roe Grapes here that my grandson brought me recently, try some.