Chap.88 Jirou's Offer

Tsunade and Jirou felt comfortable in no time due to their undeniable passion for drinking and their knowledge of the human body and exchanged some stories of their youth. While the two were getting uncontrollably drunk, the others couldn't handle the alcohol and lost consciousness.

Who would think that a glass the size of a hand and with such a bland taste could knock them out?

The only ones who held on were Tony, Anko and Tayuya, who had a higher resistance to alcohol than expected. Tony expected it from Anko, since despite not drinking as much as Tsunade, she was also the type to enjoy drinks. Tayuya on the other hand, was even surprised at herself.

-You're really funny people, it's been a while since I've shared a meal with someone new -Jirou laughed as he approached the three, leaving behind Tsunade lying on the floor on her side- But why only you have developed your gourmet cells? That's strange.

The question puzzled Tony and Jirou must have understood his reaction.

-I see, you guys have been fighting so many times that you stopped checking the rewards at the Colosseum, haven't you?

Tony nodded a little embarrassed. He kept an eye out most of the time, but against not so important creatures he didn't pay as much attention, since the rewards were smaller.

-Who else has gourmet cells now?

-The red-haired girl next to you, the one who's still conscious and the boy with spirals on his cheeks," Jirou pointed with his thumb, "The boy got them when you finished with the Balloon Whales and the girl after the BB Corn. Although it seems that only the girl's evolved a bit when she drank the Mellow Cola, which seems to be compatible with her.

Anko took another drink and seemed to want to ask a question, but her eyes looked up and she fell backwards to the ground. At the same time, Tayuya fell asleep resting her head on Tony's shoulder.

-Ah, the love of youth -Jirou took a long drink and looked beyond while a faint smile peeked through his lips, recalling some moments from his past memories -I wonder how Setsuno is now, I miss her dishes....

Tony transformed the liquor in a glass into Fire Whiskey and offered it to Jirou.

-This is it? -Jirou took the glass and sniffed it carefully -Interesting, I've had a myriad of drinks and I can still find new ones. What's it called?

-Fire whiskey.

Jirou drank it in one gulp and moments later, burped fire for a few seconds.

-Not bad at all! -He nodded in amusement as he patted his legs, "Would you mind giving me a few dozen barrels? I have to let Ichiryuu and the others try it.

-Sure," Tony carefully pushed Tayuya away, leaning her against Fenrir's fur and walked towards the pool of refined sake. He dipped his hand in it and turned it all into Fire Whiskey.

-Can you change the composition of the drinks to make new ones? Boy, I envy your talent," Jirou sighed.

How cool is it to be able to create all the drink you want?

-I always return a favor of alcohol, let me do some thinking," Jirou rubbed his chin as he considered, "You don't need tools, those knives made by Melk are excellent. You also seem to know how knocking, albeit somewhat crude, that works out with experience as you use it. I'm not good at cooking, so I can't do anything in that direction either. I could give you some ingredients from the gourmet world, but your body couldn't handle it. You already have that curious battle wolf with you and don't need an animal companion. Tough, tough...

Tony was silent, but he would actually love for me to give him some ingredients from the gourmet world. Despite the fights he faced in the Colosseum, they were all "human world" beasts. The strongest creature there is one called "Four Beasts" with a capture level of 320 or was it 350? that only appears every few hundred years.

But in the gourmet world the catch levels easily shoot up to 700 or over 1000 for the most common creatures. If I had to point out the strongest, then it would be the Kings like the Bambina Monkey with a catch level of 6000.

No matter how I look at it, I couldn't beat a gourmet world creature in the Colosseum!

Give me some of the ultimate candy, Earth!

An Air salad is good too!

Or at least let me try some Bubble Fruits!

-I know! -Jirou slapped the palm of his hand with his fist- Come, try drinking this. It's called Quelpo sake.

Tony raised an eyebrow and reached over to take the cup Jirou offered him. As soon as he held it, the contents evaporated.

Tony: ???

-I see, try this next -Jirou brought out some more plates -This is star rice, this is sunshine cheese, this is....

Tony tried to eat what Jirou offered him, but he only managed to eat one plate out of five. He couldn't help but look at Jirou with suspicion.

Is this how you want to return the favor?

-You managed to eat a little, that means you still have a chance," Jirou commented as he turned his face and ignored Tony's gaze, "Tell me, have you ever heard of something called Food Immersion?

Tony blinked and became a little sluggish.

Food immersion?

Maybe the drink is giving me auditory hallucinations, but did he just mention the legendary Food Immersion?

The secret technique of Food Honor?

It can't be, can it?

-You seem to know what I'm talking about, that's good. -How about I teach you a little?