Chap.89 Compatibility

The next few hours were humiliating for Tony. He had to go through a completely different kind of confrontations, like holding a fixed posture without moving while special cacti kept shooting needles harder than steel at the slightest deviation, causing multiple superficial but bleeding wounds.

And after all that happened, Jirou came to a conclusion. The boy had talent, but he would need years to achieve true food immersion, if he could achieve it at all. But at least he mastered a high level in the honor of food, which already gave him many benefits.

Tayuya and Choji watched carefully from the bleachers. According to Tony, these things could really help them get stronger if practiced correctly. Tayuya was fine with the honor of food, but when Choji understood what food immersion was, he felt like he had seen the light.

If Tony had been alone, perhaps he would have contemplated staying a few months under Jirou's tutelage, but doing it while accompanied and being watched wasn't going to work.

-It was nice to meet you, young man," Jirou said goodbye in his huge form as he carried the barrels of liquor Tony gave him.

The others were trying to figure out how a feeble old man had become a giant after poking his shoulders a bit.

-What should be the ultimate challenge? -Tony considered, "No matter how I think about it, the rest of the creatures are too strong for me. Maybe I should take him on?

After pondering for several minutes, he finally chose his opponent.

-Fenrir," called Tony, "Pay attention.

Because Tony's opponent was Guinness, Fenrir's father, with a capture level of 6090. He didn't even know if he would recognize the puppy.

A large battle wolf appeared in the arena of the Colosseum and before Tony could think of how to act, his mind went blank and he collapsed.

...Back in Konoha...

-What the hell? -Tony complained as soon as he appeared- Why did he have to use his sense of smell from the beginning? Couldn't he have a little mercy on his son's friend?

Due to the "Guinness Search" technique, Tony became completely immobile as if his soul had left his body. He didn't even know how long it lasted! It was only when he woke up three hours later that the others explained what happened.

After Tony's fall, Fenrir pounced on Guinness and got a one-sided father-son beating for two hours.

-Well, it looks like Guinness still has his heart as a father.

With Guinness' strength, if he had really been angry or mildly annoyed with Fenrir, there was no way the young battle wolf would have stood up to the King of his race for so long. Clearly his father was giving him some battle lessons as they spent quality time together.

-Are you back already? -Shizune exclaimed.

They really only disappeared for a second!

-Mmm," nodded Tsunade, "It was a really de-stressing experience, but I have to get back to work," she sighed though her expression was one of interest, "Shizune! Call the Aburame clan and the Yamanaka clan, I have some important missions for them. Karin and Sakura, stay, I'll need you to help me run some tests on some plants and insects. Shikamaru, I want you to write a detailed report of everything that has happened. Anko and Lee, I want you to stop by the hospital for a complete in-depth examination for a better understanding of the changes in our bodies after... the bounties.

Tsunade didn't mention food or drink when she remembered that neither Shizune nor Sakura could taste anything with them. Good thing Tony could get more with his unique jutsu.

-Tony," called Tsunade, "Jirou explained to me a little bit what gourmet cells are, as rare as they are, so I will count on you to guide Choji and Tayuya now that they have theirs. You're the one who knows the most about it.

Tony nodded in agreement. In fact, I should talk to the Akimichi clan soon. Choji's gourmet cells have been integrated into his DNA and that means that his descendants also have the possibility of having their own inherited gourmet cells. He may need to add new techniques and knowledge to the clan so that they do not cause more harm than good. Especially in the face of the possibility of gourmet demons emerging.

As it turned out, there was no need for me to transfer them artificially.

-So noisy! -Tayuya frowned, his new hellish ears were still adapting and were too sensitive. Besides, he felt an itch in his throat and the urge to start screaming and cursing. More than usual.

-Tayuya, go to one of the more secluded cleared training grounds and start practicing your new techniques. But remember to put up a no trespassing sign or you might hurt someone without realizing it! -Tony took her hand to calm her down and gave her a bottle of water that he transformed into Mellow Cola- I'll accompany Choji to the Akimichi clan and then I'll come and get you.

-Whatever," Tayuya nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheek before leaving the Hokage's office.

-Shall we go, Choji? -Tony ignored the sly looks and smirks from those present.

...Two hours later...

-This is a lot to take in -Choza rubbed his head as he digested all the information -I'm happy for you, son, it's nice news that you've gained a power so in line with our clan.

-Should we start looking for some wives for him? -Choji's mother asked as she rubbed her cheek with her hand- He's getting to be of an age and he hasn't even brought a bride in all these years. Better secure some grandchildren early and bring in some fresh blood.

Tony could see Choji start to sweat when his mother brought up the subject of marriage and had to endure the laughter.

-And you, Tony? -asked Choji's mother taking advantage of the fact that the subject had come up- -When will you ask Tayuya? Tony?

-When did he leave? -Choza asked as he noticed his adoptee's disappearance.

They only looked away for a second!