Chap.98 Dark rain

The village of Amegakure was known for the very phenomenon that gave it its name, a constant and endless rain to which its inhabitants had become accustomed generations ago. Even the equipment of the ninjas had been adapted to masks that allow them to breathe properly in this environment and umbrellas.

Despite being a small village, it was highly industrialized and it was difficult to look in any direction and not see pipes. Some acted to redirect water, others carried supplies to factories and some were even used as secret passageways.

While this rain was natural, Tony knew that after the death of Hanzo the Salamander, the rain was the result of a jutsu whose name he did not remember and which was cast by one of Nagato's puppets. Using the rain as a medium, he could monitor any intruder who would try to infiltrate the village.

In fact, it was because Jiraiya didn't know he needed to protect himself from the rain that he was so quickly detected among other things.

-So this is Amegakure -Tony opened the door of the store once he used reverse summoning to get to his branch and looked out without stepping over the threshold and letting the rain outside touch him -The weather is really humid, it must be a nightmare to be an old person in this place, bones and joints must be constantly protesting. The cold when it's winter must not help either.

Finishing eating the pear with ramune juices he was holding, he wiped the juice off his hands and closed the door to the store. He would undoubtedly be detected in the next few moments, but he didn't care. He already took measures so that even if the store was destroyed it wouldn't affect anything important and he should have enough time to act before Jiraiya arrived at the village.

-Summoning technique!

-When you said you'd need me soon, I didn't expect it to be so soon, nya~ -Neferpitou came out of the smoke while his hands were bloody holding a scalpel -I was just trying out some things with my new toys... -he put the scalpel away and took a towel from the store, slowly wiping the blood away.

-Shall we eat something before we start? -Youpi looked around and seeing all the food in the store, he picked up some fruit and threw it in his mouth, chewing happily.

-Sure, eat whatever you want from the store while I explain why I called you. You see... Youpi, no! I have told you several times that Alcremie is not to be eaten. Don't be so literal! -warned Tony.

-Youpi agreed with obvious reluctance and lowered the trembling Alcremie to the table, where he made cream.

Tony sighed inwardly. Youpi is the least humanoid of the Royal Guard but he is the most outspoken and direct. His skin is reddish, he has irregularly shaped ears and legs with very sharp teeth, similar to Kisame's. His hair is short brown and he has black fur instead of pants.

Yes, Youpi is not only the tallest of the Royal Guards, but he is the only one of the three who never wears clothes.

-So what's it all about this time? -Youpi asked as Neferpitou also picked up a few things while listening on the side.

Tony's main target was of course, the Rinnegan.

But it would be a pain in the ass to have to deal with Nagato, his six way puppets, Konan and his collection of explosive tags and he also didn't know if there was another Akatsuki member present at the time.

Youpi would be in charge of dealing with the six way puppets, so he explained what he remembered about it. What they look like with the color of their hair and their eyes, how they shared vision with each other, the abilities of each according to the hairstyle they have, the metal chakra rods on their bodies, etc.

In addition, he also made it clear that he could let loose as much as he wanted, it wasn't a problem that he would knock down some buildings during the fight if necessary. Something that seemed to please Youpi immensely, after all, it was so annoying to have to hold back....

Neferpitou was assigned for Nagato's eyes.

Although Tony believed he could take on Nagato to a certain extent, the truth was that he didn't want to complicate things too much and Neferpitou was much more qualified to move stealthily and assault the eyes at the slightest opportunity.

But Tony's instructions were clear, the destruction of the eyes he possessed was the priority. If she had to kill him to do so, she didn't have to stop.

Although the System's mission gave a choice between obtaining or destroying the Rinnegan, Tony preferred to destroy it from the start. And the reason was simple, there were only a couple of those eyes in the world and eliminating them would prove more in line with his goals than not trying to use them. Sure, Sasuke could develop others or even Itachi later on, but he would see if it was necessary to deal with them once black Zetsu was handled.

I mean, look what they did to Nagato. He had the recovery of an Uzumaki and still ended up being skin and bones. Sure, maybe it had to do with him actively using them, but Tony didn't feel any need to change his eyes.

He liked the ones he had, even if they didn't have any OP powers!

In fact, he felt that the protagonists of those fanfics who didn't hesitate to gouge out their eyes and use other ones as if they had nothing, had a screw loose in their head.

Where was it? Right, while Youpi was taking care of the puppets and Neferpitou was dealing with Nagato, the target Tony had was Konan. He would get the "angel" away from Nagato so Neferpitou could perform and at the same time, he was the best opponent for him.

Konan used paper ninjutsu almost one hundred percent of the time and Tony could use his magma tomato transformation to destroy them. He could soak them with olive oil and ignite them, stick them with chewing gum, dissolve them with vinegar, and so on.

In other words, there was water everywhere, so Tony had no shortage of raw materials for transformation with his devil fruit.

He was simply his best opponent and knew the secret of his stash of explosive papers, so he would be in guard if the worst possible situation came to pass.

But! The truth was that Tony intended to use something different against Konan, which he had not yet been able to use against any enemy and which would be highly convenient if it comes to work as he thought it should.

-That's the plan, any questions?

-Nah, I'm good. Find and charge the six you said, clear and direct -Youpi could fight and get a good meal, that was good enough for him.

-Can I keep the puppets when Youpi is done with them? Well, in case there's anything left?" asked Neferpitou.

-Sure, just leave me some metal chakra rods they have for me, I'll recycle them to make something I have in mind -once the Rinnegan is destroyed, the puppets would be reduced to the state of some modified bodies with little interest for Tony.

He had no reason to deny Neferpitou's interest in them.

-Let's get started, then," Tony opened the tent door and raised his hands to the sky and said, "Gluttony: Carbonated Rain Technique!

Under the stupefied gaze of all Amegakure, the rain they all knew turned dark and sweet smelling.