Chap.99 An Angel's Cage

The change was abrupt, but the Amegakure ninja quickly confirmed that there was no poison or drug contained in the strange rain. It was more like it had suddenly turned into some kind of refreshment under unknown conditions, a rather tasty one.

-Nagato, what's happening to the rain? -Konan asked after materializing half of his face with paper next to a thin red-haired man with several metal bars of chakra sticking out of his back, "Are you all right? You should rest.

-It's not me -the man raised his head, revealing between his bangs a pair of circled, purple eyes- Someone has interfered with the control of my jutsu, changing it in a strange way... I've tried, but I can't cancel the effects of the jutsu until it's finished.

-Intruders? -Konan raised his eyebrow, understanding that they were being attacked by someone- How many squads did you feel?

-That's the strange thing, I only sensed three anomalies -Nagato answered as he remembered carefully- Two of them don't even look human, but they certainly have the strength of a jonin at the very least. No, maybe they'll make it to pseudo-Kage.

-And the third one?

-Human and ninja, no doubt. The feedback from the jutsu is strange, it's as if their body has some kind of secret that I don't understand.

-How do we deal with them?

-Mmm -Nagato ponders for a moment- I'll send the Pains to search for and attack the biggest threats, go after the intruding ninja and try to capture him alive quickly, then go reinforce the Pains. Later I'll get information out of his head with a genjutsu.

-Okay," Konan nodded and dispersed in a cloud of paper butterflies.

A few minutes after Konan left, Nagato frowned.

-One of them disappeared? -the two threats he felt were reduced to a single presence- Perhaps it sensed something and retreated? It was probably some kind of sensory creature... Too bad, it could have been a nice addition to my Path of Beasts.

...Somewhere in Amegakure...

-What took you so long to arrive? -asked Youpi annoyed at having to wait for the appearance of two Pains- One with long hair and one with spikes on his head... Hey, are you underestimating me? -He started to get angry when he saw the few opponents brought by the other party- You should bring the rest, or do you want to avoid damaging your childhood friend's body? That would be quite hypocritical, considering how you're using his corpse, don't you think?

The two Pains narrowed their eyes as they looked at the red creature in front of them.

Does it look like the leaked information is much more detailed than they expected?

Even within Akatsuki, what they know of their abilities and about the Pains are few.

-Looks like I have to give you a good beating if I want you to take me seriously -Youpi started to transform, getting several extra arms and multiple eyes -Come on!

...At the foot of Amegakure's tallest tower...

-So the boy with the weird eyes is at the top? -Neferpitou moved gracefully and without causing any sound while climbing- The effects of this rain are interesting -he thought while licking a drop that fell on his lips- Tasty, I think Pouf would like this drink. Too bad he doesn't like to go out.

...In another place further away from Amegakure....

Tony was taking what looked like a detour through a hidden path to get to one of the Amegakure offices, where different important documents are kept. His real goal was to get far enough away so that everyone could do their part without interruption. During his "infiltration", he already finished off a dozen Amegakure ninjas and took off the surroundings.

-Who's there? -He stopped on top of one of the pipes and looked around.

Paper butterflies converged in front of him, revealing a Konan who spread wings behind his back.

-"I take it you're the angel everyone in Amegakure is talking about," Tony said in an attempt to appear ignorant. Knowing too much could make Konan suspicious and being someone smart, he wouldn't hesitate to back off if he found something wrong with the situation.

-You shouldn't have entered our domain," said Konan while looking at him from a high position, which annoyed Tony a little bit, "Who sent you?

Tony was going to keep talking, but changed his expression and jumped into a different pipe. When he turned around, he realized that the pipe where he was standing was actually a pipe made by origami and almost caught his feet.

-Damn, that paper technique is better than I expected," thought Tony.

He noticed that despite the Mellow Cola rain, the paper didn't get soaked and other than being a little slower, it didn't really seem affected.

Did he give each of those papers a hydrophobic treatment? How crazy!

Konan watched expressionlessly as his surprise attack failed. If it was that simple, he doubted his intervention would be necessary. He began throwing several paper shuriken and tried to overpower Tony, looking for an opportunity to encase him in a paper cocoon.

Tony saw the shurikens approaching and with a kick, broke the cover of the pipe and water gushed out of it, which turned into pressurized tomato sauce and later into magma under its active change.

-Magma release? -Konan blinked somewhat in surprise as she turned away from the lumps of magma flying in her direction- Is it Iwagakure or Kirigakure? This is problematic...

Amegakure's environment greatly restricts a style like this, but at the same time, most of Konan's techniques couldn't stand up to something like this. His papers were resistant to water and even oil, but they would be incinerated no matter how much he used.

Using explosive seals wasn't a good idea either, as the magma splashes could turn into dangerous shrapnel for her.

-Let's retreat first," Konan thought as she began to switch to paper to disperse.

Tony saw this and realized that his plan was too optimistic, looks like he needed to resort to plan B.

-Summoning technique: Storm snakes!

-Gluttony: Golden Bird Cage!

Konan didn't look away from Tony and dodged the golden threads that suddenly shot out of the enemy's hand, while the strange snakes that had lightning around them scattered.

-Do you have two different styles? -Konan was somewhat confused, but she could reflect after she left.

But the threads she evaded were never meant to hit her and when they gained a little height, they opened up and formed a dome of threads, enclosing Konan inside. The snakes Tony summoned were outside the dome and bit into the threads, successfully electrifying the trap.

Tony sighed with relief when he saw that the paper butterflies could not get out once the trap was closed, as they were incinerated by the high voltage of the wires. This was a technique he imitated from Doflamingo and it proved to be a success.

He used edible gold for the threads and the snakes were from the Ryuichi cave, a type of snake that liked to swim in electricity.

It was strange, but remembering the strange toads that existed on Mount Myoboku....

Who says Ryuichi Cave doesn't have its own oddities?