Chap.107 No Control

Tony explained the whole situation while Tayuya was sitting on his lap and with her arms wrapped around his neck, an unusually clingy position for her when other people are present.

Was she somehow feeling threatened by Konan and was declaring her sovereignty?

Adorable! Tony couldn't help but wrap his hands around her waist to comfort her.

Karin listened and looked at Konan who was sitting on the couch in front of her, shocked at the blue-haired woman's tragic life experience.

-So Jiraiya died against Nagato, Konan will live with us for a while until things calm down and tonight we need to comfort Tsunade for the death of her teammate -summarized Tayuya, who felt calmer after hearing everything and feeling Tony's reassuring grip.

-That's right - nodded Tony as his gaze shifted from Tayuya to Karin - Karin, as I mentioned, you will play a vital role in a month's time, so if possible, you'd better concentrate on practicing what I said during this period of time. Tayuya and I will help you train.

-I'll do my best," Karin nodded somewhat excited and nervous, after all, Tony rarely asked her something so important, "But, will Kakashi be alright? I've examined him at the hospital and he was quite sad when he found out what happened to his friend.

- "I think anyone would be depressed if they were in his situation," Konan commented, when he heard the background that "Madara" had, "He was forced to kill his teammate and was seen by the other, all because of an old man who wants to come back to life and doesn't know that he is also a puppet in someone else's hands.

-"Karin, remember not to mention anything to Kakashi," said Tony totally serious, "While I'm sure Kakashi will understand what we will do, it's better that everything is done and sealed before bringing him up to speed. Tsunade and I will take care of that.

-I got it," Karin became aware of the seriousness of the matter.

-On another note, do you know how Naruto and the others' mission went? -Tony asked as he remembered how he saw Sakura in the village.

-Not very well from what I heard -Karin shook her head and explained what she knew- Sasori's spy turned out to be Kabuto, but he broke free from the control seal with the help of Orochimaru and the situation ended in an ambush where Naruto almost lost control. Later, they found a base and Naruto and company saw Sasuke who tried to kill them, but before they could even speak, Itachi Uchiha appeared and Sasuke chased him.

-Didn't they go after them? -He asked, "What about Orochimaru and Kabuto? -Sasuke was a minor character at this point and once black Zetsu was eliminated, he would lose any value in Tony's eyes even if he had the reincarnated chakra of one of the two sons of the sage of the six paths.

-About that... -Karin scratched her nose- Apparently the new captain of Naruto's team knocked them both out to keep them from chasing him.

Tony raised his eyebrow, he didn't expect Yamato to be so decisive.

-The captain preferred to search Orochimaru's base, but Naruto and Sakura wouldn't listen to him. They weren't in good shape after the fight on the bridge and getting into another one where two renegade S-level ninjas were, was too dangerous," Karin clarified, "After knocking them out, he inspected the hideout and found Orochimaru dead with a grotesque form torn to pieces. So in reality, Tsunade is the last of the three Sannin left alive.

-Did the captain retrieve Orochimaru's body?

If Yamato took the remains of that grotesque snake form, then Kabuto could not use his strange intravenous method to obtain his second form. And if he doesn't obtain his second form, he might not be qualified to learn the Ryuichi Cave's sage mode.

-According to Tsunade-sensei, he did," Karin confirmed her suspicions.

Tony nodded, that meant that the only threat Kabuto possessed was his knowledge of Orochimaru's modified Edo Tensei.

-Wait, how did Naruto and Sakura react? -Tony was actually thinking only about Naruto's reaction, since he saw Sakura's state when she returned to the village with Konan.

-Sakura was disappointed of herself and did not stop saying that she had not improved enough, so she was determined to train even harder so that history would not repeat itself again.

-And Naruto?

-I don't know, Sakura didn't want to talk about it and I haven't seen him since he was knocked unconscious in the Konoha hospital for treatment.

Tony frowned, something wasn't right. He reluctantly left Tayuya by his side and stood up preparing to leave.

-I'm sorry, I need to check something urgently. Talk and get to know each other a little while I'm gone, I left some strawberry brownies in the fridge.

He left the house and jumped across the rooftops as he made his way back to Tsunade's office.

-Tony? -Tsunade didn't expect him to return and thought she would only see him later when they went to her house- What's wrong?

-I just heard about Orochimaru and Sasuke.

-How did you...? -Tsunade was puzzled for a moment before she understood where the leak came from- Karin told you, didn't she? She must have told you when she got to the hospital, I didn't tell her to keep it to herself, but clearly the girl is incapable of keeping anything from you.

-Well, I'm her cool older brother, you know," Tony nodded.

-And why did you come? -Tsunade asked, "Did you hear from Itachi?

-No -but Tony made a mental note to keep an eye out for it, he had no idea if Itachi succeeded in his purpose- I want to know Naruto's condition, I don't think he's happy right now -Tony saw that Shizune's face was not well, and it wasn't because of the tears she surely shed for Jiraiya when she left the office earlier.

-Naruto is in asylum -Tsunade watched as Tony looked at her, waiting for more details. She took a moment to consider and decided to continue, "You know Naruto is the jinchuriki of the nine-tailed one, right? Well, when he woke up and found out what happened and the actions of his team captain, Yamato, he...went...ballistic. Right now he's in a special sealing room until he calms down.

-This could turn out worse than I thought," Tony muttered as his expression darkened.

-What do you mean?

-Tsunade, Naruto doesn't know yet what happened to..." he left the sentence in the air, but everyone knew he was referring to Jiraiya's death.

-Not yet, the news hasn't left these walls -Tsunade suddenly understood what Tony was referring to -Do you think that when he finds out, it could cause the nine-tailed seal to fail?

-Yes, for better or worse, you know that Naruto has lousy control over his emotions, hardly different from a small child on the fringes of his will. If he's already become like this just because he was knocked out for his own good, if he finds out about this now, it will only serve to fuel the flames and get the kyubi out or he'll cool them dry and become completely depressed. Perhaps taking him to some psychologist from the Yamanaka clan should be considered.

-I think... Tony has a point," Shizune commented. She was also worried about how Naruto would react to the news and if the reaction was in the wrong way, in the worst of situations, it might become necessary for a new jinchuriki to appear for the nine-tailed one.