Chap.108 Two keys

Something wasn't right with Tony since he came back from Amegakure with that blue haired woman.

Tayuya noticed that her boyfriend's heartbeat was slightly erratic and from what she learned recently, it matched the rhythm of someone who feels guilty or is trying to hide something.

At first her thoughts drifted and she thought it was Konan's fault, but when Tony mentioned how Jiraiya died to Karin, he lied, but didn't look at her with unease, showing his confidence that she wouldn't say anything at the time.

So she trusted that he would explain to her later what happened for real, in private.

Tayuya didn't care about Jiraiya, she had only heard things about him and most of them weren't good or had to do with accomplishments from years ago, so his death was irrelevant to her. But she knew about his relationship with the current Hokage, who was Karin's teacher and Tony's friend and she started to fit the pieces together in her head, thinking about what reasons her boyfriend might have to eliminate that pervert.

She knew Tony didn't like Jiraiya either and never did anything to hide it from her, but depending on the circumstances of his death, it could bring major problems. And I didn't need too much time to come to an obvious conclusion.

Surely some sort of dispute over the Rinnegan must have arisen.

Perhaps Jiraiya couldn't resist the temptation of power and tried to attack Tony to snatch them away?

Pushing those thoughts to the back of his head, he helped Tony during dinner when Tsunade tried to drown her sorrow in alcohol. Shizune also drank considerably more than usual, but all at the behest of Tsunade herself. In fact, there was no one that night who wouldn't touch the booze.

Fortunately for everyone, Tony was already expecting something like this and made sure that the drink that night was strong enough for Tsunade, but didn't cause too much of a hangover. Even to this day I am still amazed at the variety of food and drink available to her.

The next morning, Tsunade and Shizune returned to the Hokage's office after spending the night at our house, she was still depressed, but letting loose throughout the night seemed to help her mourning process a lot, accompanied by her friends.

I believe a funeral will be arranged in a few days, but no exact date was said. The fall of a Sannin can cause temptation and make people from other villages believe that Konoha is weakened. The matter has to be handled carefully so that it doesn't blow up. Who would have thought, even dead that man is still causing trouble.

Karin went with Konan to show him around the village acting as a tour guide, since in the afternoon she was going to train with Tony his strange abilities. This left Tony and I alone, where after activating some counter-espionage seals, she whispered the truth in my ear.

I wasn't too surprised, it was really along the lines I expected and it was a conflict because of the Rinnegan. Tony even admitted that he didn't expect to succeed in his impulsive attack, Jiraiya was supposed to be one of the most powerful shinobi in the world and should have managed to block, if not dodge his attack thanks to his years of experience and combat instincts. At most, he wanted to give him a good beating or even secretly cripple him as a ninja so he could retire once and for all, but not kill him.

He had gone to too much trouble, and for what!

-It's not your fault, that old man was too distrustful and he got what he deserved," Tayuya consoled.

-Thank you -Tony took his hands and kissed them -Would you mind taking care of Fenrir for a while? I need to help Karin with her training, talk to Kakashi and later meet Tsunade to prepare the ambush for Obito.

-How sure are you of succeeding with your plan? -Tayuya asked him.

-Pretty sure," affirmed Tony while he explained his idea to his girlfriend, "Here the danger is not Obito's intangibility, but his ability to flee to his dimension when things go wrong for him. The idea is to set up a large spatial sealing formation and activate it upon his arrival with the help of several jonins backed up by bodyguards. Once I'm locked in, we just need Karin to use her domain and separate his heart and eye when it's tangible while I distract him.

-And what does Kakashi have to do with everything?

-After Obito is "treated", we will give the remaining eye to Kakashi. Once he has both eyes with the sharingan, we'll track down black Zetsu and trap him in the Kamui dimension forever. There no matter how long he can live, he won't be able to escape from an isolated dimension whose keys are only two eyes.

-Couldn't he try to escape when Kakashi uses the Kamui in the future? -Tayuya raised a possible blind spot in his plan.

-As long as he doesn't enter the dimension himself, there's no risk," Tony assured, remembering that the Kamui's dimension was exclusive to Obito's eyes, "We'll talk to him once we're done with black Zetsu and see what options we can take. We could destroy one of the two eyes and leave it as it is currently, while sealing Kamui's technique in its memory. Although the ideal would be to destroy both Sharingan, I don't think Kakashi would agree to it just like that.

-But I remember you told me that the Sharingan he has now is actually draining his chakra continuously, it would be better to remove it and grow in a lab a new eye with his cells.

-That sharingan means too much to Kakashi on an emotional level, I really don't know if he will be willing, no matter how logical it all is -Tony shook his head.

-What if he finds out about your plan to deal with Obito in a month? Couldn't he be resentful for not bringing it? It would be quite personal.

-That's a good point," Tony nodded as he looked up, "I could take him to protect Karin in secret, but I don't know if his emotions would cloud his judgment. As much of a jonin as he is, it was something that scarred him very deeply.

-In any case, you'd better discuss it with the Hokage first.

-You're right," Tony smiled, "Should I go now?

-No, you still have time before Karin comes back and the Hokage didn't seem in the mood to talk. I have a better idea," Tayuya told him as she dragged him to his room and closed the door, turning the latch.