Chap.115 A letter to Zetsu Black

After obtaining Tsunade's consent for the formation of the team and being appointed mission leader, everyone gathered at the village gate the next morning.

-Are you all ready? -asked Tony to those present while looking around- -There was no problem?

-No," Itachi denied.

-All good on my side," assured Kakashi, who was wearing sunglasses to hide both eyes. They fit him well.

He couldn't cover himself with the bandana and go blind, could he?

-My YOUTH is on fire, when do we leave? -Guy asked.

-Perfect, gather around for a moment," said Tony.

The team formed a small circle and listened to Tony's quiet words.

-All clear? -Seeing everyone nod, they left the village and started jumping through the branches of the trees to the south.

... Fifteen minutes later...

As they crossed a small section near a river, Tony made a discreet signal and Guy pretended not to notice that a smoke bomb fell out of his tool bag and exploded, causing the whole area to fill with thick smoke. By the time the smoke cleared, Tony's team had vanished without a trace.

Three figures emerged from the leaves a few seconds later.

-Where did they go? -Naruto asked as he looked around.

-The smoke was too extensive," said Sasuke as his sharingan looked around, trying to search for clues.

-Should we really be here? -asked Sakura somewhat uneasily, "Tsunade-sensei gave us a mission.

-We're not going to catch that stupid cat again! -complained Naruto, who had nightmares of when they started having those kinds of missions.

...Meanwhile, back in Konoha...

-The clones have dispersed, we can leave now," said Tony as they left the Akimichi clan's barbecue place.

-I didn't expect those brats couldn't sit still," Kakashi denied, "How did they find out?

-Sasuke and Sakura must have connected pieces somehow," Itachi commented.

-How are we going to find the target? -Guy asked, rubbing his belly with satisfaction after eating a good portion of meat courtesy of Tony.

-Give me a moment," Tony told them as he closed his eyes.

-System, use the Summoning Ticket I have to summon...".

[The summoning has been successful and the summoned creature is approaching the host].

[Reminder: The creature has a time limit in this world].

The ninjas watched as a white owl approached Tony and landed on his shoulder, pecking his ear in greeting.

-"Meet Hedwig," he said as he pulled out a sausage and gave it to the owl.

-A summoned beast? -Kakashi asked, "How many summoning contracts do you actually have?

-Although it's a summoned beast, it's not in the sense you might be thinking.

-And how will it help us?

Tony pulled out an envelope and everyone could see that it was addressed to black Zetsu.

-The peculiarity of this owl lies in a special talent it has as a messenger, no matter where, it is always able to locate the person to whom the letter is addressed.

-Shall we follow it then? -Itachi asked to confirm.

-Exactly. Also, I should point out that we can't use it for more than a few hours, so we'll have to go full speed once I release it.

-That's why we ate so well, right? -Kakashi realized.

-Yeah, so let's hurry up. Ready? -Tony handed the letter to Hedwig and after a couple of laps on top of them, she shot off in a specific direction.

-Let's go! Let's show the power of our YOUTH," Guy shouted to them.

The four jumped up and hurried after the white owl. Three hours later, due to the intense and constant energy level employed, Tony had to share some energy bars he had prepared in advance as they continued to run.

The chase lasted seven hours, with only a brief break when Hedwig stopped to drink water from a lake and catch some mouse to replenish her strength. At the end, they heard the owl's cry in the sky as it began to circle, clearly trying to locate its target in the area.

-All alert, the target is close," whispered Tony as he followed Hedwig with his eyes, "Activate the hidden communicators and get ready to act. Remember the information and the plan.

...In the meantime, in a cave in the area...

-Is that an owl? -Black Zetsu interrupted his discussion with the white Zetsu.

-What's strange about it? It's probably hunting in the area, it's not the first time we've seen one.

-No, it's circling in the sky, that's not normal. These birds remain at rest until they hear the sound of possible prey.

-Look, it looks like it's holding a letter in its feet. Maybe it's a trained messenger bird?

-Who uses owls and letters these days? -Discarded black Zetsu- Everyone uses messenger eagles and scrolls.

-Hey, hey, I think it's getting closer to us. Could it be that the letter is for us?

-Don't be silly, who the hell would write to us like this?

-You're right, it's not like we have many friends to speak of.

-Shut your mouth!

-He's here!

They watched as the owl approached, looked at them closely as if to make sure it was the correct recipient, and dropped the letter, which landed right in front of them. Then it turned and flew away.

-See? I told you it was for us!

-Shut up! -shouted black Zetsu at the white man, staring at the letter from afar in confusion.

Who could know about him?

Maybe it was a letter from that underling of Orochimaru's, Kabuto?

And how the hell did that owl manage to find him?