Chap.116 Leaks

-Wait, someone is coming. Keep quiet and let's hide for now," said Zetsu black.

-But the letter...

Black Zetsu took control to close the white Zetsu's mouth and dived to the ground, trying to hide his presence.

Everything was too suspicious and coincidental, it was better to be cautious.

Guy and Tony appeared seconds later, looking at the letter.

-Was it a decoy? -Guy asked, seeing that the recipient of the letter had not been found.

-It seems that the information we received this time is false, the owl is not the means used by Akatsuki to communicate -Tony denied, while behaving as if he felt disappointed- The cave seems to be clean, there is no smell of any animal, let's rest a little and go back.

-Okay," Guy nodded, sitting down on the ground and taking out the water canteen.

-Did you hear the latest news? -asked Tony after drinking from his own canteen.

-What news?

-Sannin Jiraiya attacked Amegakure and fought the leader of Akatsuki.

-Yes, I heard it from the higher ups.

-What you may not know, is that he apparently stole something from them. Some sort of gigantic statue that is said to have belonged to the sage of the six paths," Tony boasted of having unique intelligence.

Zetsu was listening with little interest, but now the two Konoha ninjas certainly had his full attention.

-Do you think it's true? -Guy expressed with serious doubts, "Something that big is not easy to take with you and the sage of the six paths has always been a legend. Maybe it's just a statue from some ancient civilization.

-I'm not clear on the details either, an acquaintance only mentioned some fuinjutsu of the Uzumaki clan," Tony shook his head.

Black Zetsu's mind began to work at full speed. If it had been any other type of fuinjutsu, he would scoff if he was told it would have the slightest effect on the Gedo Mazo, but if it was some inheritance from the Uzumaki clan he could no longer be so sure.

-"It's no use knowing that," Guy commented, "The superiors must have taken that thing to some secret location to study it and it's not good for us to talk about this outside the village.

-We're alone, what's the problem? -Tony dismissed, "Besides, I actually know where it is.


-Wow? -Even Zetsu was surprised.

Maybe his bad luck was reversed at the last moment?

-I know where they'll leave that thing temporarily for a month, before moving it to another confidential location. Look, I have the map here," Tony pulled a scroll out of his vest and waved it in his hand.

-Put that away! -Guy jumped up and waved his hands nervously, "Even if you know, you shouldn't tell me! The less people know, the better. Do you want to get me in trouble?

-Why do you think I'm telling you? It's already been decided that you'll be one of the ones to help move that thing, your taijutsu will be of great help.


-Do you need me to lie to you about something like this?

-This... Okay, show me then," Guy agreed.

Zetsu was about to strike out to steal the scroll in Tony's hands, but when he heard that they were going to open the scroll, he thought twice.

Perhaps he could spy on the contents without being seen, this way, the disappearance of these two ninja would not alert his superiors believing that the information had been leaked.

Thinking about it and making sure by his senses that the two were not paying attention and were concentrating on the scroll, Zetsu quietly poked his head up to reveal his nose and no more.

-I can't see the critical information," he thought as he only looked at the top of what was evidently a map. The middle and bottom were blocked by the shoulders and backs of the two ninjas.

Guy suddenly turned his head.

-What happened? -Tony looked suspiciously behind him as he hastily put the parchment away.

-I think I saw a pair of eyes," Guy commented as he scratched his head, not quite sure of his own statement, "Maybe it was a rat, I'm not sure.

-Well, it could be that there was some vermin and we scared it off with our arrival, causing it to hide at the bottom of the cave.

-I guess... -after examining in that direction for a while and seeing that there was nothing, Guy shook his head- -I think I'm being a bit paranoid, but we'd better stop talking about sensitive subjects today. After we rest and regain our strength, let's go back to the village and tell me all about it there.

-Fine by me, just... Blargsa?! -Tony nodded and suddenly, a tree root shot out of the ground and pierced his abdomen, causing a huge bleeding wound that shattered all his internal organs.

Due to the narrowness of the cave, he was unable to dodge and the light in his eyes died soon after.

-Tony! -Guy looked at the tree root in surprise and confusion, "Mokuton? That's not possible!

Unfortunately, he didn't have much time to think when several more roots sprouted from the ground and blocked the entrance to the cave.

Snapping out of his stupor, the first thing Guy did was not to run, but to rush towards Tony's corpse to retrieve the scroll with vital information for the village.

-No, I can't let you take that," Zetsu laughed as several roots held Guy's limbs, "You're stronger than you look," he commented somewhat surprised, seeing the strength with which he resisted.

-Akatsuki? -Guy saw Zetsu's characteristic robe and I couldn't help but blurt out, "So the information wasn't false! You really use owls to communicate.

-Of course, why not -Black Zetsu didn't care what Guy said, he just impaled him like the other ninja with a little more effort- Idiots, never talk about confidential information. I don't know how you should have graduated from the ninja academy.

He remembered a bit of information about these two. One was a jonin who could only use taijutsu and the other was more of a cook, but he was the one who took Naruto after fighting Sasuke.

-Hey, after retrieving the scroll, take the letter too," White Zetsu reminded him, "It looks like it was really for us according to their conversation, yes?

-Zetsu black was also interested and at a glance I could be sure that the letter was ordinary in any sense, without posing a threat to him. It only had a small seal to ensure that the person opening it had chakra, otherwise the contents would be destroyed.

After approaching Tony's corpse and taking the scroll, he turned and picked up the letter on the ground. He didn't even bother to remove the roots, leaving the two bodies suspended in the air.

He opened the scroll and saw the location.

-A secret base in the Land of Tea, I see," after confirming the information, he put the map away. Once he was done with everything here, he would hurry over there.

-Whose letter is it? -asked the white Zetsu, "Does it have a return address?

-Don't be stupid, who would give away something like that? -denied the black Zetsu as he poured a small amount of chakra into the seal to dissolve it. Once the seal was gone, he took the paper out of the envelope and unfolded it.
