Final Chapter

-I can't believe it was so simple," Kakashi sighed when he saw the Zetsu standing still, "Fifteen plans with variants studied and the first one was the good one.

-Well, sometimes having too much information can be counterproductive," said Guy. Only instead of his youthful and motivated attitude, he had a cold and serious expression.

With two Mangekyo Sharingan swirling in his eye sockets.

-Well, Guy's not much of an actor, so you had to take that role while he was watching the surroundings, Itachi," commented Tony with a shrug, "How else would we get you to cross glances with him and submerge him in your strongest genjutsu?

-Let's not waste time, Kakashi, do it! -Itachi didn't know how much he could hold a creature like Zetsu. Just to be sure, he actually used a simultaneous double illusion on the White Zetsu and the Black Zetsu separately.

In other words, he was consuming chakra worth four Kage opponents to be sure!

Kakashi nodded and closed his eyes, when he opened them, his sharingan had changed.

-Kamui! -a space whirl caught the two Zetsus, twisting unnaturally until they disappeared next to a piece of the ground. Kakashi's eyes started to bleed from his body's reaction to the effort and his chakra bottomed out as soon as he finished the technique- It's much more demanding on the two of them! -he complained while enduring the aftermath.

[Ding! The host has complied...]

-Eat the medicine and my food, Kakashi - Tony reminded him ignoring the System window.

-Yes," Kakashi closed his eyes, but still took out what he needed and started to recover.

-I'm starting to understand why you were so worried about Zetsu," Itachi commented, when he saw that he resorted to the Mokuton on the illusion, his perception of the danger level grew three notches.

Tony grimaced at Itachi's comment, it seems that explaining the danger of the ten tails and so on can't push this genius of the Uchiha clan enough.

-GUY! -Tony shouted from the cave, "It's over now, come and take care of helping Kakashi later to go back to the village.

Since these two are working too, let them support each other.

-Did everything go well? -As a qualified jonin, Guy remembered all the countermeasures they had planned, so he was quite incredulous at the sudden victory -You can trust me Kakashi! Let my YOUTH show you the way.

-You don't need to shout, your voice reverberates in the cave! -Kakashi said helplessly as he covered his ears.

-Oops, sorry," laughed Guy, feeling a bit bad for barging in on his rival's recovery.

-What do we do now? -Itachi asked.

-We go back to the village and once Kakashi recovers, we'll give him back his original right eye and destroy Obito's first eye under your testimony," explained Tony, "Once we're sure that everything is fine and the other eye has been grown in the lab, we'll repeat the operation and black Zetsu will be trapped forever in the Kamui dimension.

-Didn't you want to take care of Kabuto?

-I do," Tony affirmed while opening his hands symbolically showing his inability to act, "But I can no longer use the owl and I have no information on his location. Knowing what I know about him, I don't think he'll let himself be found easily," he sighed, "If it wasn't for the fact that he learned Edo Tensei from Orochimaru, I wouldn't really be that worried.

-I understand," Itachi frowned, naturally he knew the nature of this technique and an enhanced version was not something desirable as an enemy, "Once I'm done handling the clan's affairs, I'll help you look for him. I won't be at ease either if someone like that is on the loose, watching from the shadows.

Perhaps he would even have thoughts of doing something to Sasuke! I couldn't allow that.

Since the only survivors are Itachi and Sasuke, by blood hierarchy, Itachi is now the Patriarch of the Uchiha Clan. Sasuke simply doesn't have the political finesse or administrative prowess to assume the position, not to mention he himself is not interested.

-That would be a great help, thank you," Tony thanked.

Itachi had contacts on the outside that he couldn't get, so using the intelligence provided by his business, Itachi and the village, the chances of finding Kabuto were undoubtedly greater.

-Tony -this time it was Kakashi who added to the conversation after they finished eating- -What do you plan to do from now on?

-What do you mean? -Tony didn't understand the sudden question.

-Well, I've been thinking that after I retire, there would be a vacancy left and maybe you would be interested in filling it. Having your own team of academy graduates, guiding the new generation and all that. I know you have a business and you don't really need to do missions, but I think it would be a very beneficial experience for you.

-Mmm, I can't say I'm not intrigued," Tony replied, seriously considering the proposal, "I should discuss it with Tsunade to find out all the details, but it would be an option.

With his level of strength, his wealth and his fame, there weren't too many new experiences the ninja world could offer him anymore.

He still had almost all the bijus with him and that could greatly reduce the length of any war.

Becoming a master could be interesting....

As for matters like the Snow Country, the moon survivor, the dragon vein and so on, let Naruto take care of those little things.

-This, Tony," Guy called, "Actually, couldn't you just send us back to the village?

The cave fell silent.

Guy had a good point, so with a puff of smoke, the four disappeared from the cave by reverse summoning without adding a single word.

Kakashi was taken to the hospital by Guy, Itachi gave a small lesson in humility to team seven for their recklessness while Tony as mission leader, went to report their success to Tsunade's office. On the way, he checked the reward.

[Ding! The host has successfully accomplished the mission.]

[Handing out rewards...]

[Reward: Method to practice Enbu + Bloodline Condensation + Chocolate Coins +1.]

-System, what is bloodline condensation?

[The host currently possesses traits that can be inherited by his descendants when the time comes, such as gourmet cells. But because there is only one female with those traits, the host's current mate, the offspring's blood will be diluted over time and they will revert to being ordinary people. With the condensation of the bloodline, they will not only be able to maintain a lineage such as the Uchiha, Hyuga, Inuzuka, Aburame, Yamanaka, Nara, etc. But they will also be able to inherit more things, forming a completely new ninja clan in every way].

-Inherit more? Like what?

Like a portion of the host's Devil Fruit ability or some particular abilities he got from the System, such as Breath of En, Sound Bazooka, etc. In addition, they will also be able to get summoning contracts from the host according to their affinity from birth].

Tony was very satisfied with the reward, but he asked the System that the Breath of En skill not be included, because of its danger due to lack of control of the little ones. Entering the Hokage building and after entering the office, he explained the development of events to Tsunade.

-So of the more immediate threats, only Kabuto is left -Tsunade sighed in relief knowing that that elderly monster named Zetsu was handled without too much trouble.

-Itachi agreed to help in his quest once he finishes handling all the Uchiha clan's affairs, which should give us more opportunities," Tony added.

-Good, but for now, you should go home as fast as you can -Tsunade said very seriously- I made an examination to Tayuya and I must say that the situation is worse than you expected.

-What do you mean? -Tony suddenly asked nervously, not knowing where to put his hands -Does she have a solution? Can I help in any way?

-Don't worry, her condition may improve and I have already prepared a plan for her with Karin's help, you just need to be especially attentive to her during her current condition.

-How long will she need to recover? -Tony asked anxiously.

-I would say about nine months," answered Tsunade, trying to keep a serious facade, "So you'd better get your mind right, because it's going to be quite an adventure.



Well, it's been an intense first fanfic.

Actually, I wrote almost as much as my first official book: El primer mago de la tierra (Available on Amazon ES).

I know the ending wasn't perfect, but taking into account that I had been writing this fanfic for half a year already, I was running out of ideas in this line and I needed to close the story to be able to start others or find time to write another book.

For those who have supported me, I thank you immensely for your encouragement and understanding, I hope you enjoy my next works.

A special mention to those who have joined my Pa-treon (, you have motivated me a lot to continue and start others! You are the best.

For those who kept complaining, I don't need to waste words.

PS: Kabuto choked on an olive pit and was never heard from again.

PS2: We are very close to two million, I wonder if it will reach it.

That said, see you in the next adventure!