Gold Kingdom

'I wasn't expecting a warm welcome, but this is blatant disrespect.' Alex thought, looking at the branch head.

'Varos Aedigarr, a half-giant / half-dragon.'

'He looks more intimidating than I thought, but it's only natural as he is a Rank Five Warrior with the bloodline of the two most superior species on this planet.' Alex thought after seeing the giant of a man from up close.

The branch-head Varos stood at Nine feet tall with steel-like muscles covering his body with two crimson black horns protruding from his skull, making him an intimidating person.

"If you think I am joking, keep wasting your one minute," Varos said, staring straight into Alex's eyes.

'The way he is talking, I don't think I could get any information I wanted from him.'

'I was thinking of giving you a discount to make a good first impression and acquire some information, but now I have changed my mind.'