Big Mistake

After Alex got the VIP ticket, he didn't waste any time and used it to get immediate access to the teleportation room, and within a few minutes, he was teleported to the Gold Kingdom Capital City.

'The air in this city feels so fresh.' Alex thought, standing in the Gold Kingdom's capital city Quivira, outside the teleportation building.

'I should rent a hotel room for a few hours to unseal the shield, as there is still more than an hour left before the auction starts.'

Alex was already in the city's inner circle, so it didn't take him much time to reach the nearest hotel and rent a room.


"This shield looks like a giant hunk of metal with a hideous appearance right now but will its appearance change after getting unsealed?" Alex thought, looking at the three-meter shield.

"Only One way to find out." Alex thought as he took out the Rank five unsealing scroll.