Friend or Foe

"Sir. Famir, You are embarrassing me by giving me such an offer." Hecate said as she accepted the key.

"The Shadow Oblivion organization has already given me tremendous benefits by giving me the Monarch legacy and even going a step further to share the tomb treasures," Hecate said with a bright smile.

'I wonder what her reaction would be if she knew that she is one of the very few people that could even acquire this legacy.' Alex thought, already knowing that Hecate would reject the compensation.

Alex was giving Hecate the Monarch Legacy not because he was generous but because he knew the chance of finding a trustworthy person with great talent who could obtain the Oberon legacy was close to zero.

All {SSS} Legacy holders were extremely talented people with a very high affinity with their legacy because without having them, a person couldn't even begin legacy trials, let alone pass them to obtain the legacy.