Darkness Kingdom

"Mr. Famir, I want to Buy an intermediate Grade Instance Dungeon," Vlad said calmly and waited for Alex's reaction to his demand.

'He is asking big without caring about the consequences of his request, and here I thought he would try to establish a good friendship with the organization before requesting big.' Alex thought after hearing Vlad's request.

'If he wants an intermediate Grade Instance Dungeon, then I will give him one but let's see how much he is willing to pay to acquire it.' Alex thought.

Alex only planned to get the legacy item he wanted from Vlad and give him some generous benefits in exchange, but even giving a few entry tokens of an intermediate instance dungeon for a legacy item was generous, let alone the complete dungeon.

"Mr. Vlad, What are you willing to give in exchange for the instance dungeon?" Alex questioned to get an idea of what Vlad was offering to decide on a plan.