Broken Skill

'I didn't expect him to be so strong.' Alex thought, looking at the fifteen feet giant Ogre charging toward him.

After killing the third Rank Ogre, Alex killed eleven more First and Second Rank ogres before the Ogre chieftain showed up, and as planned, he used the Rage Embodiment to finish the job.

Alex dodged the Ogre chieftain's mad rush attack by rolling to the side to not engaging in a physical confirmation.

Alex had the strength advantage at the start of the battle, but the strength advantage was gone, and the situation was reversed after the Ogre chieftain went berserk.

'The elemental should finish his fight in 40 to 50 seconds.' Alex thought, looking at his summoned elemental dominating his fight against the four Ogres.

'Life Siphoning Blade Aura'

'Blade Intent'

Alex used two skills to boost his damage and recover some lost hp as he dodged an attack and delivered a swift slash to the Ogre's knee.