Legendary Magical Fruit

'This time, I will get as many damage dealer skills as possible.' Alex thought as he completed the promotion quest.


System Notification

{Congratulation Player Hidden One}

{Second Rank Legacy Promotion Quest} Completed.

{Evaluating Results}

{Hard Difficulty Cleared} +1000 Skill Points


{Bonus Difficulty Cleared}

{Evaluating Bonus Results}

{All Hard Difficulty Condition Cleared by an extra 394%.} +3940 Skill Points


{Evaluating Overall Performance}

{Performance: (SSS+???} +10000 Skill Points

{264 Named Creature Killed} +2640 Skill Points

{37 Third Rank Creatures Killed} +370 Skill Points


{Total Points Acquired= 16950 points}



Class Upgrade.

Dark BattleMage: ....

{Specialty: The class holder can wield all darkness element aspects with a 20 to 50% less penalty while having a 30% boost in Damage / Understanding of all (Second Rank) Darkness Element Skills/Spells.}.....(See More)
