Thunder Knight Trial (2)

"I am not here to waste time, so initiate the fighter or I will do it myself." The blue hair man said as he slammed his spear on the ground.

"I am just wondering if I defeat the three of you in under one minute, will it count as an excellent performance, or would I fail the trial because I beat up three prestigious Thunder Knights," Alex said, just to mess with his opponent.

Alex wanted to join the demonic cult in the next forty days and to achieve it, he needed all the fame and help he could get, and debuting as an anomaly by beating up three trained thunder knights fitted perfectly with his plan.

'He is a thunder Knight even with a big ego.' Alex thought, seeing his opponent not giving him any reaction.

'Let's see how fighting in a different body feels.' Alex thought as he unsheathed his sabre.

Alex used the mana step and mana sense, the only two skills he could for the next forty days, and sprinted forward, vanishing from his place like a ghost.