Testing The Limits

"You have significantly slowed down, so what happened? Don't have enough mana or out of stamina?" Alex said as he easily avoided the incoming attacks.

It's been four minutes since the battle started, and even though Alex suffered a few injuries and came close to losing his life twice, he survived using his mana sense and mana step skill.

"If you can survive this, it would be my loss." The man said as the lightning around him intensified.

'He is serious about this being the last attack.' Alex thought, seeing a barrier of lighting forming around his opponent.

'I can't break the shield in time to disrupt the skill, and there is a meager chance that I can avoid this attack which only lefts the option of taking it head-on.' Alex thought, evaluating his situation.

'I can defend against a powerful attack with brute strength and technique and survive, but I would lose a large chunk of my health and will receive major injuries.'