Success and Struggle

Alex stood beside Varon, Guardian Elmara, and his two guardians inside the lab room of Lady Elmara, with everyone having their eyes set on the small red dome of revolving mist before them.

Alex waited in anticipation for any changes, and finally, after a few minutes, the dome of red energy started to dissipate as he heard a system notification which made him close his eyes and drop his head.

{Devourer Curse Removal Failed}

{1K Energy Point Spent}

'If even a mortal with no strength couldn't be cured of the curse, then there is close to zero hope for those who have lost their sanity and are at the end of the first stage and zero for individuals of higher strength,' Alex thought, taking a deep breath to calm his emotions.

Alex didn't have any hope for the skill to work on a similar scale as the Nirvana Elixir, but he had hoped for the incomplete Red gem to be capable enough to cure individuals within the Mortal limits, but that little hope was crushed with the first test.