Time Skills

In a dark, gloomy room stood three cloaked individuals before a calm dark mirror, and after a few moments of silence, the mirror started to twist, oozing with darkness, making all three individuals drop to one knee with their heads down.

"Stand Tall," A deep voice echoed in the room, and the three cloaked figures stood up, and before them, the once pitch-dark mirror now showed a man seated on a throne shrouded in darkness.

"Long Live The Embodiment of Wrath, The Great Demon Duke Of Deadly Sin," All three individuals said in unison as they stood straight, looking toward the man.

The Man referred to as the Embodiment of Wrath, looked nothing like one would imagine, as he had a handsome appearance of a dark elf wearing a dark Robe with ornate silver edges with two red goat horns that curved inverted on his forehead.