The Truth

In a vast, dimly lit throne chamber, colossal obsidian pillars supported the cavernous ceiling. At the far end, a massive dark throne stood, upon which sat a breathtakingly beautiful woman, her legs crossed, and beside her, a man in a tuxedo stood.

Both individuals had their gazes locked onto an ethereal screen hovering mid-air. The screen displayed a handsome man standing beside an otherworldly beauty, her eyes filled with worry as she nodded.

"Lady Enigma, If you don't mind, can you tell me what happened with the previous Ruler and how Ahrimon became the person he is today."  Zero inquired, his tone carrying a hint of curiosity.

"Zero, You were assigned this world only recently, long after the whole mess happened, so you don't know anything about Ahrimon and how much of a monster he is, so let me educate you on him,"