True Purpose

"I just don't understand one thing. Ahrimon's ultimate goal requires Alex to achieve the status of Zenith Mortal, and for that to happen, Alex must retain his position as a Domain Ruler."

"So, why did Ahrimon go through the trouble of meeting Alex and then deliberately spin a narrative that can easily be debunked? Both Nurvyn and Ezekiel, albeit injured, are still alive and could recount to Alex the actual events of that fateful day and provide clarity on the matter." Zero said, sounding clearly puzzled.

"It may look like Ahrimon wanted to Erode Alex's Trust in his Allies, to Plant a Seed of Uncertainty and Doubt in him, but these things are just a facade for him to hide his primary goal," Lady Enigma said, causing Zero to break from his chain of thought and direct his full attention upward her.