Training Ends

After Malgortha killed the unfortunate individuals who stood against her, no other individual appeared to challenge her, and after moments of silence, she disappeared from the scene. 

The city was echoing with cries and screams of terrified individuals, but everyone went silent as eerie roars, more akin to chilling screams, echoed through the world, and what followed was a flood of nightmarish entities clawing their way out of the rift.

The grotesque entities emerging from the rift were Chaos Spawns, nightmarish creatures that induced nausea in the faint-hearted and prompted even the most resilient to avert their gaze from these monstrous horrors.

Their bodies were a grotesque blend of contorted flesh, deformed limbs, and elongated appendages, some thin and wiry, others unnaturally muscular, extending far beyond the bounds of normality and ending in razor-sharp claws.