
'Let's not make any mistakes this time,' Alex thought as he strengthened his grip on his sword while he looked ahead, awaiting his perfect clone to manifest.

"Darkness Dome," Alex said as his clone appeared in the distance and met his gaze with his emotionless, cold eyes.

In response to Alex's command, a sweeping expanse of darkness materialized out of thin air, swiftly spreading across tens of meters of land between him and his clone in the blink of an eye.

The Clone, like always, did not waste a moment to see what Alex had planned and instead moved like a ghost ripping through the shrouding darkness as he covered the distance between them in a single instance, ready to bring the battle to a swift conclusion.

'Chaos Wings' 'Soul Shield'

Alex used a skill of his own creation as chaotic energy sprouted from back, swiftly condensing to take the form of wings that, unlike traditional wing structures, unfold with an unconventional grace.