Andrei Awakens

Alex watched calmly as Boras placed his hand on the sphere, and the cold crystal that had stayed inactive for hours finally came to life, shining with pure light, its intensity increasing with the passing moment.

The numerous individuals standing in lines for their turn and those surrounding them fell silent as the crystal began to glow. 

Moments later, the silence transformed into a cascade of cheers, with some praising the fortunate individual and others vehemently cursing him for his luck.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, thanks for participating in my little game," Alex said, as he sprung to feet and used darkness to pick all the ten orbs in an instant, putting them back into his inventory.

"Let's find someplace private," Alex said as he appeared next to Boras with a teleportation scroll in his hand and, with his left hand, grasped his by the back of his rob and moved toward the sky as he didn't want anyone else coming with him.