Event Announcement

"I am going to receive the legacy of an elven Monarch?" Boras said, his voice weak as he stopped walking, the shock and disbelief visible on his face.

"It is not confirmed if you will receive the legacy of Monarch of Light, but the chances are high," Alex said before continuing to walk ahead.

Boras's shock only grew hearing the name of the Monarch, but seeing Alex leaving him behind, he swiftly rushed after him, his heart rate racing as he thought about both the possibility of success and failure.

In four days, the year would come to an end, and on the very next day, the Continental Auction, in which Alex planned to participate, would be held.

Alex planned to buy the third heart of the Beast Monrach, a couple of other legacies and rare items, and hopefully more, as he knew little about the catalog of items, especially the ones sold in the VIP section.