Clash Begins

A pitch double-terminated crystal floated in the open field, and thousands, if not tens of thousands, of corpses of strange yet majestic creatures lay in its immediate surroundings, with their blood drenching the ground red.

The roars of creatures echoed as four figures were clashing against massive creatures, only seen in legends, a towering creature, a mix between a scaled lion and a deer, with a majestic, fiery mane.

A winged serpent, a majestic Thunderbird, a pixie dragon, and lastly, the scaled lion deer Chimera that resembled a mythical Kirin from East Asian mythology, all being 6★, bosting early to midstage Sixth Rank strength.

The boys were handling the creatures fine, while Saahira was not present, having been sent away to prepare for a potential team wipe should Alex's ambitious plan not come to fruition.

Beside Alex, all three boys wore grim expressions, not because of the current battle but because of the grim challenge awaiting them.