Third Party

"He is a monster,"

"So, do you still think you will win without going all out," A figure adorned in white and golden robes with the appearance of a saint asked the hulking giant standing by his side.

"Maybe not, but I will find out soon enough," Killian replied, his eyes following the two blurs moving alarmingly fast, with the clash of weapons against fist echoing through the surroundings.

"If you want, I can help you from the sideline in dealing with him," The robbed figure, named Aetherius, said, and in an instant, thick killing intent permeated the air.

"After the recent Rank promotion, you've started to hold yourself in high regard, haven't you? Do you honestly believe I won't tear your head off if you continue to test my patience?" Killian's tone shifted abruptly, the once-friendly demeanor now replaced with an ominous edge.

"Master, I was just trying my best to serve you," Aetherius said with his head down.