Approaching Doom

The battle against the enemy commander was easier than Alex expected, as not only did he dominate the peak Sixth Stage Elementalist in the context of pure strength, but once he used the Tenebrous Shard Enclave to boost his darkness manipulation, he was a force of nature on the battle.

Alex knew he had improved after his recent battle against the Fallen Seraphian, but he was not certain by how much, and defending the fortress just gave him the reason to go all out and find out.

Alex's mastery of Darkness had only grown from 17% to 21%, his mana body had grown past 96% purity, and his reflexes also underwent a great numerical improvement but nothing life-changing.

However, in practice, Alex estimated his overall abilities had improved by at least 15% to 20%, but when exerting his abilities to the fullest, he sensed that this enhancement exceeded his prior estimates.