Third Stage Conclusion

(Live Stream Commentary)

"Ladies and Gentleman, in just a few minutes, the dawn of the Sixth day will grace the Mythical Beast Continent, and with it, the end of the third stage will be fast approaching," Zero said as the screen transitioned.

The screen revealed a solitary figure silhouetted against the expanse of the clear sky, gazing out at the sunrise emerging from the boundless ocean. 

Its rays gradually dispersed the lingering shadows, heralding the arrival of a new day, and as moments passed and the light grew brighter, the figure of the unknown entity was revealed.

The humanoid creature towered above three meters, draped in a tattered, dark cloak that hung loosely on its skeletal frame. Its face was a bare skull crowned with darkness-piercing eyes that appeared to consume any light that dared to touch them, with his right hand firmly grasped around a giant dark scythe, completing his grim reaper appearance.