Consequences (III)

In a grand chamber bathed in silvery moonlight, a colossal arched opening in the ceiling revealed the full moon's radiant glow, shimmering like a diamond amidst a tapestry of stars.

The room exuded an ambiance of quiet grandeur, an elegant serenity that contrasted with the formidable decor, which featured ornate towering pillars adorning both sides, supporting the ceiling with their grand presence.

At least, it once had.

Now, the chamber lay in ruins, and the towering pillars, once majestic and unyielding, were shattered and scattered across the floor, and the echoes of destruction lingered in the air.

The ceiling, once a testament to architectural mastery, was mostly destroyed, with sections of it hanging like chandeliers, but the difference was that they were nothing but jagged remnants of stone and splintered ores.

Yet, amidst the desolation, one thing remained untouched, and that was the glorious throne.