First Encounter

As the darkness faded, Alex was hit with the fresh air, thick with the scent of damp earth and lush vegetation. Opening his eyes, he found himself standing under the clear blue sky in a forest surrounded by towering trees. 

The air quality was unlike anything Alex had ever experienced, and the reason behind it was the overwhelming mana density, which was off the charts, at least double, if not triple, that of the Domain.

As Alex examined his surroundings, he could hear faint sounds of rustling leaves and distant animal roars echoing through the lush green forest. 

Alex took a few deep breaths to get comfortable before he used the void step to swiftly reach the top of the nearest tree to get a better view of his surroundings.

The surroundings were nothing but a waste of trees and mountains, but Alex could tell that the forest thinned out to the northeast side.