Fairy World

"I don't think so," Alex said, cracking his neck, excited to trade blows against an enemy with unknown and unorthodox magical abilities.

"Wrong choice," Tsolmir said, but unlike before, his voice was extremely loud, with his mere words sending a shockwave through the air that hit Alex like an invisible hammer.


Alex moved away in time, avoiding the sound shockwave, but Tsolmir was also quick to deliver a follow-up attack as he swung his staff in his direction the moment he appeared.

The rings at the top of the staff clinked together, producing a ringing metallic sound, and with each impact, a wave of visible, distorted sound tore through the air, traveling at unmatched speed.

Alex avoided the sound waves with ease, continuously using the void step. However, by the fourth step, Tsolmir had grown comfortable with his speed and acted a moment quicker, forcing him to stop and face the wave of sound head-on.