Curse and stolen

Now that the first elements knows that they are no longer protected, evil will begin to breed itself again, it may be the signal of another war.

The war of the elementals, outside the rage war of the raw ages, there was war before the arrival of the titans on earth.

It was called the elemental wars. It was the war of the dragons.

The elementals fought among themselves and for supremacy.

In the element lands, the earth elements still stood out among other, they have the strongest warriors in history, even up till this day. They protect their citizens and no one dares intrude,

but still evil still breeds even in the presence of good.

"Adren stop, we are far enough" Diana said to his little brother, Adren was still running they were in their favorite playground, they called it the field forest. The ground was covered with fine green carpet grass and the trees were forest trees.

It was a long way from their home, but their parents believes they would return, they were smart kids.

"Adren wait, look"Diana sounded serious.

"It better be good"Adren said, Diana pretended she was pointing something really serious, Adren went in the direction she was pointing and he saw a saw an empty log, suddenly Diana hit him in the head and Diana began to laugh.

It's the usual game they play, they fooled each other, they called it dunk up.

" that's three to one, you are so easy to get you know." said Diana in happiness.

"I will get you that's a promise" Adren said.

They were both on bare foots, they love the soft green grass, they were off the save zone, the earth army no longer guard the forest, they moved of coast.

Adren and Diana both sat in the grass, They were enjoying their free time well, this was their best times together.

Diana was a bit taller than Adren, though she was shorter than her age she was still has beautiful as she was.

Her red shining long hair which reaches to her waste made her gorgeous from a first sight, her spotless white skin was not even to mention, she could control earth and lift it a little, she was still learning perhaps a slow one.

But it is her brother their parents loved the most, they saw him as the special one, he was more matured than his age, Diana was fifteen years old while Adren was twelve.

Adren was young and courageous, he had a short black hair and round face.

"I want to give you something very special."Diana said, "what is it?" Adren asked

"promise me you will keep it with you life" Diana said.

some distance metres close by two people were walking like they were in search of something, the male held a bow and had arrows while the other a female had a sword they were both in their thirties.

"Are you sure you saw her here, you better be right." said the female

"I saw them here and we are close and she came with someone." said the man

"when you see her kill her straight away and who she came with."the lady said.

"she carries it wherever she goes, I saw it in her neck while arriving here, we are sorry we lost it. The empress needs that object more than anything, she believes is the key to unlocking something." said the man.

"I hope we find it" the lady said as both of them walked through the forest.

"promise me that you will protect it with your life, it is very special" said Diana facing Adren directly to his face.

Diana brought out an amulet which was around her neck, it was blue and in crystal form, the surface of the amulet kept reflecting light on different directions.

"where did you get that? that thing is not yours" said Adren looking strange around the object. "I saw it under a waterfall. l love it but I want you to have it." said Diana holding the amulet stretching her left hand to give Adren.

Adren hesitated a little and after a while he collected the necklace and wore it around his neck, it was shining as it looks. "it's beautiful, thanks sis" said Adren. Both Adren and Diana hugged themselves as they both sat on the ground.

While Adren was hugging her sister, he began to feel something was unusual around the Forest. Adren pulled back from Diana to feel the air, Adren stretched out his left hand forward and began to move his hands slowly in the empty air.

"The wind is strange" Adren said to himself, Adren discovered this ability when he was ten, he uses it to tell if someone was present around him if he can't see them. Only his parents believed him but no one else believed him. "is everything okay Adren? Diana asked.

They were still sitting on the ground opposite each other. Adren was so sure, someone was in the forest with them.

"I can see them" the man who was the archer said as he moved slowly behind the trees. He could see two of them as they sat close to each other, "Do you see the girl" the lady said. asked as they both hid themselves from being seen. "Yes I can see her" the man took out one arrow and place it on his bow to shoot. "Make sure you don't miss" the lady said, "I never miss the man said. While this was happening Adren was still looking around, he was not in a good state he felt they were being watched. "Diana I think we should be going now" Adren said desperately he didn't want any trouble. Adren stood up and was about to go, Diana was surprised that Adren was tired of their field play, it was obstinate Adren would want to play till nightfall. "Wait where are you going" said Diana, she stood to up to meet Adren she wanted to stay, would hard to tell that Adren was actually doing this. Diana stood in front of Adren, he couldn't see her back. The archer and the lady were far behind Diana, it was a good distance to take the shot and it would hit. The archer held his bow and pointed the arrow at Diana to take the shot. "We are not save here, the wind tells me" said Adren, "oh it's one of does your wind magic again, are you an air hauler" Diana said as she stepped away from Adren a little bit. Adren looked straight and could see the archer pointing aim towards their direction. "Oh no Diana looked behind you I told you someone was in the forest with us" Adren said frightened pointed behind Diana. Diana looked at Adren and laughed, she might have taught it was the game they usually play. "Like seriously, I told you. You are not good at this game at all" Adren couldn't help himself, as the archer was about to release the arrow Adren rushed and pull Diana to the ground, the archer had already shot the arrow and it landed in the middle of Adren and Diana, "I got her" the archer thought. "What is wrong with…..." the sight of the arrow in between them interrupted her.

"Can we run now" Adren said, immediately Adren and Diana left the ground and began to run for their lives.

The archer was stunned he couldn't believe what he was seeing, "that's impossible, it can't be, I missed" the archer said "Then what are you waiting for, let's go after them.

The lady and the archer began to chase Adren and Diana. Adren and Diana ran as mush they can, Diana was almost killed by an archer, they are not sure if they were going the right direction.

They were of the safe zone so if they got killed no one will know of it. The archer ran for a while and knelt to take a shot again he was more focus than ever, he have never missed a direct shot in his life.

The archer took the arrow and pit it on the extensive string of the bow, he dragged it aiming directly at Diana, it was a long distance and they were not running straight, an archer who was experienced would miss the shot.

The archer released the arrow from the bow and it left him in great speed. It travelled in a long distance, before Diana knew it the arrow gave a horrid hit on her back she screamed and fell to the floor, Adren didn't wanted to hear it he was speechless.

Diana would not survive the shot, Diana died on the spot and Adren was only a meter from Diana, the archer and the lady were already racing towards him.

"I have the boy" the archer said, "leave the boy at least we have the girl and the amulet. Adren was not sure why they were attacking them, they were just kids Adren ran crying while he ran.

He could see the earth save zone, if he passes there he can't be attacked and his home was close to the boundary of the save zone.

The archer and the lady ran to were Diana died and saw that she was not with the amulet they searched her and saw nothing, "it should be with the boy" the lady said, "I had him and you said I should let him go." Said the archer. "We can't intrude the save zone, we would get killed by the earth haulers" said the lady. "Then what do we do now" the archer said.

He was so particular about the amulet, it have so much value. "Don't worry there is always a time in time, omen." Said the lady.

"what is that supposed to mean, are you going to tell the tsarina there is time in time. "She would understand and we would come back for him." The lady said.