Evil shall rise again and even greater, the world is torn apart, legends have fallen and heroes are no longer born.
The world rely on three heroes of separate parts to help fight evil or evil will dominate once again. They will fight evil created for good, after the heroes and legends are now lost.
the mages which have abandoned the people on earth, the elementalist dead and no one to protect the elemental lands.
Three warriors from each of the clans.A mage, an elemental and a titan. from the zogans, elementals and the titan clan, the fate of the world depends on the three heroes from each of the clans. It is the beginning of the end, fight from the beginning to the end. An adventure and a fight
The book comes In different phases, three stories of three protagonists. which will connect each other at the long end. suspense and adventure
the end would always be surprising. the protagonists have different roles to play
very good I read the book first hand amazing work
very interesting good job keep it up very nice novel