Deep of the unknown

Vegian tore through the ground creating an uproar, everyone was confused and also surprised and the same time scared. Vegian had never showed up her titan before, the last time she did that it was in the battle field.
But since then she had not shown her titan before, a lot changed in a titan form, she was much different than her formal titan self but the more a titan in human body grows the more your titan changes form and it seems that vegian have changed a lot.
The warriors stood while the others ran, vegian's titan half body was shown out of the ground of about eighteen feet tall, she kept on hitting the ground and the created a small quake which Shaked the entire palace.
The queen was confused she didn't know was going on, the ground opened and long cracks were constantly forming. Kiich-ten could feel the impact but he was a long way from where it was happening.
The guards who were guarding the cage where he was all ran out to see what was going on. Kiich-ten had no idea but he could guess well that someone had its titan put on. The cracks tore through the ground towards kiich-ten's cage, it was getting close and kiich-ten wished it could just get anymore closer.
After a while the crack tore in the cage and went straight to the chains. Kiich-ten pulled them out with great force and the chains were off the wall but he still had the chains locked to his wrist.
With the chains still in his wrist he won't still be able to use his instinct powers. Kiich-ten began to charge and unleashing his instinct, the chains would first absorb his instinct first but kiich-ten wants to blow it up. He kept on doing it till the chains were all glowing green having absorbed so much instinct and after a while his instinct covered his entire body shining red and suddenly there was a loud explosion, loud enough for the other in the rage attack of vegian's uncontrollable titan.
Kiich-ten was free, the guards who had ran away having heard the loud explosion they all ran back to check what it was and they all saw a large hole on the wall to where the Kiich-ten was, there was nothing there the was greatly destroyed.
Vegian finally came off the ground battling with the jegonee guards while they stayed down using their instinct powers to fight vegain, none of them knew it was vegian, even the king thought it was threat.
All the guards had no choice but to transform to their own titan too. They were about six which turned to their titans. The palace won't be the battle field the king thought and quickly brought out his blue instinct powers and carried all of them out switching them into the forest places.
Vegian's titan was much bigger than the other guard titans. Vegian blocked the attacks from the other titans and released her rally energy power of hand sound system pushing all the other titan over a long distance. Rean who was among the other guards who were in their titan form was the one more confused, he still thought it was Vegian.
But his titan form didn't give him time to think he rushed towards vegian and she gave him a sounding slap which took him over a thousand meters away into the forest. Vegian ran away still in her titan form into another place in the forest impossible for the guards to locate and follow.
Kiich-ten also was also running while she also began to feel vibrations from the ground. The vibrations were getting more stronger as kiich-ten kept on running, after a while kiich-ten ran into vegian titan, kiich-ten was shocked and didn't know when he throw himself into the air gathering instinct in his right hand and he gave vegian a disastrous punch, vegian went in a sudden flash tearing through the ground, she went over two thousand meters into the forest ground digging in also.
The instinct punch was a very powerful one, he thought if the titan would survived that. Kiich-ten ran with speed arriving at where vegian in a second.
He couldn't see anything, there was dust everywhere and kiich-ten could barely see. He cleared out the dust and all he could see was someone on the floor, kiich-ten went toward it and saw it was vegian, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. So it was vegian all this while, he thought.
Vegian opened her eyesslowly, she saw kiich-ten but was too weak to speak and move, kiich-ten's strenuous punch was too powerful for her. Nicora opened her eyes slowly, she felt like she was under some kind of lock spell, she struggled to move, her muscle were weak and she was extremely tired. Corius went towards her giving her a cup filled with a red liquid. "take drink and regain your strength, Lawrence brain erasing pills had already eaten into you. But it is good you her back to your senses again, I wasn't able to get this close to you the first he did this" said Corius.
"wait a sec, how many times have Lawrence done this to me and I didn't know." NIcora asked. "just two times, the pill works in a way that it erases your memory of what had happened for an entire day, so it means you are three days late. Now you need to join vegian and kiich-ten to fight against the dark arces leave the palace for me I will know how to handle it." Said Corius. Nicora looked at everywhere and discover that the entire room was scattered, like something came in to destroy the place.
"what happened here did something attacked this place" Nicora asked. "it was an attack and also not also an attack, there is something really strange going on.
The pricess vegian came out of the ground right close to the circle pillars of the king's ancestors. But it seems that something is going on under this city, it was quite dramatic that no one could recognize that the titan was vegian's but it also looks like she was fighting something, that is the only explanation on how she wore her titan.
Now all you have to do now is to locate them and tell them to find the tree, I think what the dark acres is planning in doing is to link and over the city its roots corrupting it from beneath. Take this and go now, it is a dagger infused with toxic leaf, the only thing capable of killing the tree of the dark acres.
When you too get to it stab the tree with it, either you or kiich-ten or even vegian. the fate of this this kingdom lies in the hands of all you three, if you all fail we fall into the hands of dark acres." Corius said giving Nicora the dagger, she stood up from the chair she was sitting on and was heading for the door. "wait, I think you should follow the window.
It is almost dawn and darkness will soon cover the sky, you most locate them before you lose them, come I have rope no one can see you from this….. wait what even wrong with me, I have a way channel which could lead you directly to a place in the forest, from there you can locate them.
The way channel starts from this from this room." Corius said showing Nicora the secret way, he raised the rug and he bent down to reveal the sealed door way beneath the ground. He raised the door opening and gave Nicora a fire lamp to go in.
Corius locked it leaving Nicora in the dark way line down. She kept on going in the well-constructed tunnel leading to where she should go. After a long walk something blocked her view, she look very closely and discovered that they were roots of a tree that seem to be growing beneath the city.
But she still had to get to where she was going. She could pass through the spaces between the roots. She began squeezing her a way through still moving ahead.
One of the guards went towards the hole opening vegian's titan created and all he could was darkness and void, he could see something moving in the large hole damage but wasn't sure.
All the others have gone and the hole was left open there, no one could still understand what had happened and why it happened.
The titan guards which followed vegian to the forest had nothing to say, they lost vegian who they thought was a threat.
King leo, was not still getting the whole point, it was becoming dark and he haven't seen vegian and kiich-ten. He wanted a better explanation behind the titan coming from underground almost killing him.
Lawrence woke up after his long sleep seeing that he was partially outside. His room was destroyed and the wall was opened due to vegian's striking force earlier. But he still had question to ask.
Kiich-ten sat closed to vegian who was still unconscious on the ground, it was already getting dark and he need to do something before there is another plan the dark acres would be planning now to destroy the palace.
Vegian opened her eyes and jumped up feeling like she had a lot of energy. "that enough rest now we have to go back to the palace, the tree root are everywhere." Vegian said. "but it is better if we find the tree first, if we can destroy the tree then we are step away in saving father and the entire city.
Now lets take this route I know we will find it. Wait what is that?" kiich-ten uttered in fear staring closely.
They both stared at it for a while and it was looking like a person soon the person began to run after sight them. Kiich-ten and vegian followed it while it kept running. "don't you think is a trap" vegian cried out to kiich-ten, kiich-ten barely heard her, he kept on running with an enormous speed and vegian also but vegian was too slow to catch up with kiich-ten and she was trying her best to catch up.
Kiich-ten was getting close to who he was chasing, after a while the night due covered the forest ground and after a while he didn't see the person in view again. Before vegian and kiich-ten could stop they both fell into a large opening on the ground.
They were both screaming, vegian positioned herself facing the opening which seem to be endless and socked a large volume of air and gave out a loud echo scream and suddenly the large opening began to glow whitish red and it was looking endless. Kiich-ten and vegian continued their screaming, they didn't know where they going.