The return of the dark mage (1)

Kial tore through the domain after did the ancient illicit spell, the mages were surpriced it has been ages and centuries that the mages fought against themselves.

The last time the world witness this it was a disaster. The only immortal that could break through the domain block, yitsu and the other four mages flew simultaneously joining their hands together forming an fusion blast punch towards kial, they thought kial won't be able hold this one of.

Kial quickly drew back forming a ring spell of protection and concentrated it to his right hand, when they got closer kial got the punch, the impact of the collusion created a large wave which tore through the air and the mountains which were hundreds of feats down and the closest mountain to them tore and scattered.

Kial did a reversed spell after putting them in a small time loop and reversed the action that happen, the waved came back and shrank to his right hand he used in holding the mages. Kial quickly moved away and released the exact force the used on his without using any of his.

The force pushed the mages backwards and the impact created another sudden waved which travelled over long distances to the ground and broke the ground creating movements like an earthquake.

Kial went with an enormous speed approaching the other mages, while he was approaching them he did an curse spell and placed a glowing ball in their middle, the ball released a line of light which caught all of them and slammed them to an imaginary wall.

Kial continued while each one that came out after hitting the wall he hit them with lethal ring of destruction. The mages saw no chance of laying any further attacks on kial, his spell usage were advanced and one they had never seen after he had done mixtures of ancient spells.

He was using the forbidden spells of the mages, the ones the mage swore never to use for certain reasons kial didn't not know. Yitsu still wanted him captured and wouldn't wanted to give up to prevent the worse from happening, kial then created a ring of manner signs and began close in all of them, the mages couldn't move they were been locked.

Kial was about to do the eternal lock spell which yitsu recognized. "don't do this kial, we know what your aim is but that what you see is what the Alodii wants you to see. It is blinding you from the consequences and the truth, the whole world will suffer kial. The Alodii is having a mind on its own and that is not supposed to be and also you might release our darkness, if you make this mistake, you will not be to reverse it. Please don't do this, we know you are not kial, you are the reincarnate of viece, the Torac lord of the hypnosis." Yitsu pleaded.

"That's your mistake. I am sorry but you all forgot the world and you want to stop me from saving it, you are the bad ones. You want the world to suffer while you all just sit up there staring at it. You guys are the worse, maybe if I lock you all, the world will not have to feel your absence." Kial said. Kial moved his hands doing the hand sign and suddenly the lock manner ring began to spin round them and they all vanished into thin air.

The mages appear in the sky which was dark due to the lock spell kial did. They had nowhere to go, and they cannot break the spell because it was a curse spell and also forbidden.

The mages knew their fate from here, if kial disables the eye magic the mages will be at doom in the sky city so as the world.

Kial as the key to the curse mark of the ancient lock realm used to imprison the dark mage. Kial was still approaching the floating mountains of vedeania, but while he was going he was caught up by a hidden dark kemesis.

He looked at his body and discovered that dark mass began to emerge from his body. The power of the hidden dark kemisis began to push him down and was opposing his flight greatly, after much struggling kial crashed to the ground with a huge force that quaked the ground.

Kial tried to get what just happened while he tried to help himself up. He looked carefully and was seeing someone emerging from the bush even with the dark night sky, but kial didn't need light to see at night his mage eye allowed him to see through the dark. After a while Zuro came into view, the commander of the dark hypnosis.

Kial noticed that he was not with is mage fog and he didn't wanted let a mortal to see the eyes of a mage, kial tried to moved his hands and discovered he couldn't move them.

He knew at once that he was gone for real. As Zuro came closer, kial still tried to do something he still tried to move his body but it kept still. Zuro could already see the mage eyes from a distance.

Zuro moved his hands and seized kial's body making him uncomfortable and he fell to the ground. Zuro went towards him, when he was already close to him and picked him up and he looked directly at kial eyes, suddenly kial went into a short trance and vision, it was scary after he saw the mages having a war and a fight with something he couldn't recognize and also dragons. The memory were like a torments for kial's inner mind as he also saw visions of his past life.

Kial opened his eyes and saw he was a place like there had being a war. He saw dead bodies of people and also dead bodies of huge dragons and other huge creatures.

He stood up from the red sand and gazed at the red sky, it was like the world was about to come to an end. They were over a millions of dead bodies on the battle field as he could tell, he noticed that two other persons were trying to stand up too, he ran to the one at his left to help him up.

When bent down to help him he noticed his physical body was different he saw he arms and saw a the mark of a rear titan. "you are a titan, what is happening". The dust was much and kial couldn't see the titan's face clearly.

"should I tell you what is happening, that's what's happening." The unknown person said pointing at something which came out glowing from the dust. It was a white glowing human which emits a lot of power kial could feel it's pure energy but he wondered what it was. The second person with a glowing sword went with speed approaching the glowing person and there was a loud explosion that took a large space.

Kial flew and woke up to reality looking at the stone structure of Zuro. Kial was confused, he knows a mage visions always comes to past. He fell on the ground unconscious, the end is the end for the world.