Master Ah 3

"This bracelet?" Mr. Xu was stunned for a moment. Could it be that he was mistaken, this bracelet is still some kind of treasure?

Xia Xia didn't speak. He bit his finger and dropped a drop of blood on it. The bracelet instantly emitted a blood-red light. When they saw this light, everyone present was stunned.

Blood Jade.

"Little brother, I want one million for this bracelet." A shopkeeper next to him walked up and said.

"Lao Kang, this is your fault. You will pay one million for the blood jade, and I will pay two million." Another shop owner also came over. The blood jade is a very rare treasure, and it has no market price.

This is a whole series of blood jade bracelets, the origin is definitely not simple.

"I'm sorry, I don't sell it." Xia Xia smiled and walked to the street. It was time to leave here.

When Mr. Xu saw Xia Xia walking out of the Antique Street, he followed him, and the four bodyguards behind him followed: "This little brother doesn't know your name?"

"My name is Xia Xia." Xia Xia said.

"I don't know if my little brother looks down on me, Xu Dechuan. How about we make friends." Xu Dechuan saw hope in Xia Xia. He was sure that the treasure appraising ability he showed just now was definitely not luck. He must be a disciple of some master. .

Xia Xia didn't know much about Jianghai City before, and he didn't expect that he would come into contact with big people in the future, but now he knows that since he got the pair of perspective eyes, he found that the whole world has changed, and many things have changed. He also has to find answers.

Where did the mother go? Why did his father never let him ask, and his father's death was very suspicious. He was cremated without even seeing his father's body. It was a stone tablet that his aunt helped his father erect.

If he was alone, he wouldn't be able to find out anything at all, but if you add this treasure appraiser Xu Dechuan, then you will be more confident. After all, Xu Dechuan has a lot more connections than him.

It will also save you a lot of trouble in the future.

"Of course, it's a blessing for three lives to be friends with Master Xu." Xia Xia smiled, he had already decided to befriend this Master Xu, but he had to be careful when dealing with this kind of cunning and cunning.

"Little brother, you really screwed me up. Your treasure appraising level has reached the master level. I am the real axe in front of you." Mr. Xu slightly cupped his hands: "I don't know what the little brother's name is?"

"My name is Xia Xia." Xia Xia said.

"It turned out to be little brother Xia, I don't know who the master is?" Mr. Xu wanted to know who the person behind Xia Xia was. He was able to teach Xia such a powerful disciple. He was definitely the most amazing master in the antique world.

Xia Xia's current treasure appraising ability has already been able to identify fakes made by Fang Quzi, so his future achievements are absolutely limitless.

At this moment, a Land Rover stopped in front of Xia Xia and others. The Antique Street is relatively remote. Although there are many people inside the street, few people pass by outside the street.

Seeing this Land Rover car, Xu Dechuan frowned.

The door opened, and three people dressed in black got out of the car. One of them was limping when he walked. He was a lame man. His hair was very short. People's suits were different. He was wearing a sports suit. There were no fancy decorations on his clothes and trousers. A pair of military shoes with large scalps were black and shiny.

When he saw these three people, Xu Dechuan who was behind Xia Xia involuntarily took a few steps back, while the four bodyguards behind him stood in front of him.

The crippled man in black glanced at Xu Dechuan, then turned his attention to Xia Xia: "You are Xia Xia, right? Come with me."

"Come with you, who are you?" Xia Xia is not a fool, he can still see that the visitor is not good.

"His name is Asan, and he is the personal bodyguard of Xu Qinghua, the head of the Xu family." Xu Dechuan, who was behind Xia Xia, said in a low voice, he knew Asan's ability very well.

"Xu Dechuan, it's none of your business here, you'd better not interfere, otherwise don't blame me for not giving face." Asan stepped forward and looked at Xu Dechuan. Although he was not afraid of Xu Dechuan, if Xu Dechuan intervened, things would become very troublesome. .

"Asan, don't think that with Xu Qinghua's backing, you can be so presumptuous with me. I am Xu Qinghua's uncle." Xu Dechuan stepped forward and looked at Asan. He knew very well that Xia Xian was not an ordinary person, and there must be someone behind Xia Xian. A great big man, now Xia Xia is in trouble, if he stands up, then his relationship with Xia Xia will be more stable.

Although Asan is very powerful, the big man behind Xia Xia will not be afraid of Asan.

The two men in black behind Asan walked directly to Xia Xia, and four of Xu Dechuan's men also came to Xia Xia's front, and the war was about to break out, just at this moment Asan stepped forward: "You two just watch it. Well, it will take a lot of time if you two do it."

"The four of you go together, don't underestimate him, he's not an ordinary person." Xu Dechuan frowned, others didn't know Asan, but he knew Asan very well.

Xu Qinghua's ability to sit firmly on the head of the family has a lot to do with Asan, who removed all enemies and obstacles for him.

Xu Dechuan's four bodyguards are all professional bodyguards, all of them have undergone special training. Each of them is a good player who can single out two to three young people, and usually protects Xu Dechuan's safety.

Asan walked towards Xu Dechuan's four bodyguards unhurriedly. Xia Xia was very curious. Is Asan a semi-crippled expert? At this moment, Asan moved, and his left foot flew out at an extraordinary speed. Quick, one foot kicked directly on the chin of a bodyguard, and then that foot was assisted by a human, and the other foot kicked a person again with a huge sweep.

"This." Xia Xian was stunned when he saw Asan's powerful flying kick. Even the taekwondo he watched before would never be able to do such a powerful flying kick.

"It seems that I still underestimate Asan, Brother Xia, I'm afraid I can't save you. You should let your master come forward. Those who are targeted by Xu Qinghua will not have a good end." Xu Dechuan wanted Use this opportunity to let Xia Xia call out his master, so that he has the opportunity to make friends with Xia Xia's master.

"This old guy originally came up with this idea." Xia Xia secretly thought, he has always been on guard against the old guy Xu Dechuan, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com, an old guy like him is definitely not so easy to deal with. This kind of person is a double-edged sword. If you use it well, you can kill people, but if you use it badly, you will only hurt yourself.

The reason why Xu Dechuan is willing to stand up for him and want to make friends with him is because he guessed that Xia Xia has a very powerful master, and since Xia Xia is so, he will not expose it: "My master, his old man is very busy, he doesn't care about such trivial matters. will show up."

At this time, Ah San opened his feet wide and closed, and in just a few seconds, all four of them were kicked to the ground by him, but these four were not useless, they all endured the pain and stood up again stand up.

"Hmph, I still have a bit of backbone." Asan showed no mercy at all, his feet flew out again, kicked the two of them out, and then stepped on his right foot forcefully, his body rolled over, and his heel kicked directly in the third place. On top of the individual's head, the body just landed, and the right foot lightly moved directly over the other's shoulder.

The body tossed again, and the bodyguard was directly thrown out.

"Come with me." Asan looked at Xia Xia with cold eyes. His mission was to bring Xia back home, not to hurt Xia Xia. As for Xu Dechuan, he didn't take it seriously at all.

In his eyes, the reason why Xu Dechuan is still standing here is because Xu Qinghua didn't move him because he was an elder, otherwise he would have gone to see Xu Qinghua's other brothers long ago.

"Are you still waiting for me to invite you?" Asan frowned, the two men in black behind him walked directly towards Xia Xia, grabbing them with both hands.

Just when the two were about to grab Xia Xia, Xia Xia's body retreated slightly, then grabbed the shoulders of the two with both hands, and pulled hard, the two fell directly on the ground, although his movements were very light, but all the people present. Everyone sees it clearly.

Asan was also slightly taken aback, and looked at Xia Xia in surprise.